[11] A hottie like you.

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Ant's POV


"You're damn right it's your fault, you bastard. All you ever think about is yourself."
David stands up abruptly from his chair, picks up his jacket, and walks out. Funny, I didn't notice he had a jacket.
I sit there, shocked at the unexpected turn of events. Have I really been that selfish? That narcissistic? I didn't think so. But then, I can't know. Others' perceptions of me are quite clearly different to the one I have of myself. Well, lessons must be learned. But meanwhile, I should probably focus on rekindling my friendship with David.

I open up WhatsApp on my phone. I hesitate to text him. My fingers hover over the keyboard as I try to figure out what to say. I'm reacting too quickly. I mean, he probably hasn't even left yet. I decide to archive the chat in WhatsApp. Giving him space is the best option. Maybe, just maybe, when he has had time and space to calm down, then I should make my move. I lock my phone and place it back into my pocket.

I stare at Dec's almost lifeless body. The sound of his heart rate monitor is recurring in my brain, swirling around uncontrollably like a hurricane; I need to do something to take my mind off things. I get up out of my seat. I need to take a walk. And Dec won't notice- he's in a coma, after all.

I push the hospital room door open with my palm pressed against the cold metal handle. My head is filled with the sounds of monitors, and worried family members, and trolleys being wheeled around. The hallway lights are so blinding. I squint as I make my way down the corridor and down the staircases to the revolving door and wait for a cubicle to become available. These things are a waste. of. time. and. space!

When a cubicle in the door finally becomes available, I attempt to swiftly exit the building, It's a lot less smooth than I aimed for, but then - today has already been a rough day.

My feet echo down on the pavement as I stroll into the city centre. I spot a bar. Maybe I can drown my sorrows there?

Simon's POV


I sit in The Swan as I drown my sorrows in alcohol. It's not my usual solution, but I just had a break up. I'm allowed to make exceptions.

"Who left you?"
I stare at the wall for a few seconds before realising that this voice in fact belongs to the bartender, an effeminate gentleman with sparkling eyeshadow.
"'Cause whoever it was is an idiot."
Is this guy hitting on me?

"I- I left him."
With that, the man turns around and pours me a vodka with orange.
"Here's one on the house. Now why don't you tell me what happened?"
He walks around the bar and sits on my side, perched on a barstool. He then places his hand upon mine.
"So? What did this bastard do to end up losing a hottie like you?"

I tell him what happened in detail, hoping if I go as fast as I can that this will end soon. One I finish, he stands up and brushes his apron down.
"Well, I must say that he was an idiot to you. But that's the end of my shift, I'm afraid. But here-"
He gets a slip of paper out of his pocket and scrawls a phone number on it in blue pen.
"Call me ok, babes?"
"Mhmmm..." I reply, and with that he walks out. He needs to learn to read signs.

The gay bartender holds the door open for another guy to walk through the door with a hood up. It must be raining. He pulls his hood down...and oh my god-
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a/n : muahhahahahahhahahahhahahahah >:)

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