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Harry's POV

The office seems awfully dreary today as Harry sits there answering emails from clients. Papers are thrown askew all over the place and three empty mugs of coffee already on his table at noon are proof that he hasn't really gotten much sleep. In fact, for the past two days, he's been on the goddamn edge. His drawing board is filled with doodles back from when he was just Junior Partner but he never got around to changing it after that. It had grown with him and now in his new office, it fits in perfectly with his shelf of vinyl records. He feels drops of sweat drip down the back of his neck despite the fact that the temperature is set to nineteen degrees. He stretches his arms, staring at the laptop screen.

The door creaks exactly when Niall is opening it a quarter way to half. Harry knows because he has spent too many nights in this place and boredom really does get the best of people.

"Harold you reek of sadness. What happened? Did Dusty reject your morning kiss?" Niall asks as he sets down a cup of coffee for Harry.

"Nah I don't know, it's just one of my friends?" He shrugs.

"What? Did anyone say anything to you? Because I will gladly rip their hair out." Harry just internally smiles. Niall always starts fights he can never win and then Harry has to break them up but its okay because he's got a heart of gold and that is all that matters.

"It's nothing like that, I've got a friend, Louis. He's also my neighbour. Niall, he's so goddamn pretty, it's infuriating," he groans, burying his face into his hands.

"Is this the same Louis who got sick two days ago and you declined our plan to meet up with a two letter text just to take care of him?"

"Yes, yes it's the same Louis. He looks like he's walked out of a magazine and has a snarky little mouth," he says fondly and Niall just looks at him with a slightly disgusted look.

"So you like him?"

"I do, I really do. He smells so sweet, mate, like jasmine and grapefruit. I steal his clothes like a goddamn freak," he says, slightly embarrassed.

"If you like him so much, then tell him. I bet he likes you back," Niall suggests.

"Oh I don't know, he probably thinks of me as a friend. He loves when we eat together and he gets to cook, I wouldn't want to lose him."

"Wait, hold on, tell me what else does he do?" he asks, sitting up straighter.

"Well, he leaves a lot of clothes like jumpers and hoodies at my place but that's just because he's forgetful. Also, he falls asleep around me a lot. He just feels safe around me and I wouldn't want to change that," he says sadly and Niall punches his shoulder. "Ow! What'd ya do that for?" he asks loudly to which Niall raises his eyebrow.

"That poor omega has been trying to get you to court him for God knows how long and you're sitting here complaining about how he doesn't like you like that, fucking idiot," he sighs, exasperated. Harry's eyes widen in surprise.

"You mean he's been trying to tell me he likes me?"

"Yes, you wee cunt! He's doing stuff alphas usually do, like leaving you clothes hoping you get the hint. And the falling asleep part? The boy likes your scent and probably wants it all over him," he explains, shaking his head in disappointment. "I knew you were an idiot, Harold but you've probably really hurt this boy. Go get him," he says with a push to his back. Harry nods, already grabbing his jacket from the chair.

And that is how Harry ends up on Louis' doorstep with a bottle of wine, chocolates and two pink plushies. He's still in his work clothes, a crumpled suit at this point and his glasses. He rings the bell with little hesitation. Louis opens it immediately and there it is, the overwhelming scent of jasmine and grapefruit.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Louis asks, looking like something Harry could just eat up.

"You are one confusing omega, have I ever told you that?" he asks, walking in and taking off his shoes.

"What do you mean? Do you have a date later and need pointers?"

"I do, in fact, he's the prettiest omega I've ever met. Smells absolutely divine, like a religious icon, someone I'd sacrifice myself for," he says stoically, trying his best to contain his laughter when he sees Louis' face fall.

"Oh, what's his name?" he asks with a sad smile.

"Louis but he goes by Boo too," he says with a smirk and watches Louis go absolutely still and quiet. He walks closer to Louis until the smaller boy's back is pressed against a wall.

"Harry," he sighs, looking up with those big blue eyes that made him lose it that day.

"What do you want, love?" he asks, thumbing at his raised right cheekbone.

"I...uh," he stutters before going quiet again.

"You won't tell me? Fine, I'll tell you what I want. I want to kiss you, sparrowling. Do you want me to kiss you?" he asks and Louis nods softly. Harry leans his head towards the left and presses his lips to Louis' ones. The kiss is languid like they have practised countless times before this moment as if they fit together. Louis' hands find the broad expanse of Harry's back and they explore aimlessly as Harry takes the lead in the kiss that Louis is more than happy to follow.

They are now lying in the plush heaven that is Louis' bed, drinking the wine out of teacups. Louis didn't have wine glasses and didn't want to let Harry go after just getting him. Harry's head has a pleasant buzz and Louis' wine stained lips are something he cannot get enough of.

"I cannot believe how long it took for you to come to get me. I've been right here, waiting for weeks," Louis grumbles, biting Harry's shoulder through his dress shirt. It's probably getting stained with the wine but he could care less.

"You're so feisty, are you just like this in bed?" he asks with a smirk and Louis bites down harder. "Ow! Shit, why are you like this?"

"Shut up, Styles. That day you thought I was ill? That was a soft heat, I was too embarrassed to tell you," he mumbles into the same shoulder and Harry's heart is soaring. He takes their empty teacups and places them on the nightstand before pulling Louis on top of him and kissing him.

"You're so sweet, I'll get a toothache from kissing you," he sighs, petting Louis' back. "Is your heat over yet? Do you need anything? Hot water bottles for the aches?" he asks, kissing his forehead.

"I'm fine, you're plenty warm. Also, how do you know so much about soft heats and not about omegas wanting to court you?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't want to read into anything and ruin the friendship, baby."

"I like it when you call me 'baby,'" he says with flushed cheeks and Harry already knows he's going to be so in love with this boy.

"I like calling you it, baby." His smile is a bit smug but he really isn't to be blamed, he's got a lapful of Louis.

"What are we, Harry? I don't want to beat around the bush or have an ambiguous relationship. I want to know," he asks and Harry wants to laugh.

"We're boyfriends! You think I'm oblivious?" he exclaims.

"Boyfriends?" Louis asks, probably testing how it sounds on his tongue.

"I like you so much and I love liking you, I want to spend a long long time liking you, Louis," he says, leaning in for another kiss and Louis melts into it. And this is where he is meant to be, Harry realises, among jasmines and grapefruits, with Louis.

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