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Imagine: You and Hope protecting each other and the family realize how much you love each other


"Y/n we're are you?" hope yelled, you were kidnapped, and Hope and her family were coming to save you

"Hope?" You ask as you were laying on the ground, weak from all the fighting, and all the vampires that bite you

"Omg y/n," Hope said as she runs to you

And she took your hand and helps you up

"I was so worried about you," hope said

"I'm ok love, I'm fine," you said as you hug her, and you look at her family smiling and said "thank you" and they smiled at you

They could see how much you and Hope love each other


Everyone knows that you love Hope more than she knows, but for her, you were just her best friend

"WERE IS SHE" You yelled entering the building and the family turn to look at you

"What are you doing here" Klaus ask

"What do you think that I'm doing? You were thinking that I was just going sit on the couch and watch a movie while my best friend is god knows we're?!" You said, and Elijah lol and Rebekah knows that you love Hops more than anything

"I am here to save my best friend," you said as you show your hybrid face

" ok then, let's go, but please y/n be careful," Klaus said, and he knows too how much you love her, and that you would do anything for her

As you and Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, and Freya enter, you saw two men's

And before anyone could do anything you were the one who speed first to a man and grabbed him by the neck and throw him against a wall

"WERE IS HOPE" You yelled as Klaus and his family killed the others

" I don't know what you're on about," the man said trying to speak

But then all of you heard a scream, and you know who that was

"LIAR" You yelled as you ripped his heart out, and you and the others follow the scream

And you saw Lucien and Aurora holding hope, and then some witches, come up to Klaus and his family and put a spell on them, and froze them


But they ignore them

" Let her go," you said, as you show your hybrid face again

" oh, look who's here, your girlfriend comes to save you," Lucien said

"She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend," Hope said, and honest yes her words hurt you

"I'm not going to say it again, let her go"

"Why should I?" Lucien said

And then you sped and grab Aurora, and went to rip her heart out

"Let her go or you're loving sister will be dead," You said as you grab Aurora's heart hard

"Your serious going to kill someone for her," Lucien said as he pointed to Hope, and Klaus and his family were watching you, and they tried to move but they couldn't

"Yes, so I'm saying one more time, let her go or you can say bye-bye to your sister"

"Hope doesn't know?" Lucian said

"Know what?" hope said

"Your friend there has feelings for you, so I'm gonna kill you-"

"LET HER GO" You yelled as you grab Aurora's heart again, but this time almost ripping it out

"Y/n don't," Klaus said

"Your choice"


"Fine," you said as you ripped Aurora's heart out

Lucien yelled and let go of Hope, and your speed to her and check to see if she was hurt, and you saw that she was fine, and you speed off to kill the witches after you killed them

Klaus and the rest were free and they all speed to Hope and you, you were full of blood

"Your okay?" Klaus asked his daughter

"Yeah, I'm fine dad, I love you" Hope said

" we love you too Hope"

" I love you y/n"Hope said giving you hug

" I love you too Hope" but they know that it's wasn't in the friend way....

Maybe I will do a part 2

And please let's just pretend that Hope is 17 in season 3

Love y'all

Hope Mikaelson imagineWhere stories live. Discover now