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I woke up and turned with difficulty. Immediately feeling the pain rushing
through my head as I slowly open my heavy eyes. That bastard Kinn! How
much did he drink last night? Did he even get drunk? He didn't even bulge on
his seat for fuck's sake! And as for me.... Sighhh. I don't even wanna think
about it.
Leaning both my arms against the bed, I slowly raised myself. My headache
continued as if it was being pressed by a hard rock. I removed the blanket
that's covering me and—
Wait, blanket? A thick black blanket? a King-sized bed, and also a wide
I scanned the whole room, recollecting the thoughts of last night. I was in
Jade's shop drinking and got home after we partied. When we reached the
house, I hurriedly helped Pete and took Kinn inside his room. I wiped him up
Fuck! Don't tell me I'm in that bastard's room again?!
I glanced around the room but I couldn't see any signs of Kinn. I roamed my
eyes further until it collided with a family picture. It was Khun Korn together
with his sons. I couldn't believe my eyes, why the fuck am I here again!?
My headache suddenly disappeared when I realized what happened as a new
set of flash backs came in. I remembered last night that I felt good, so good as if I'm on cloud nine. My breath was warm and my lips were so moist as the
person in front of me made his way to them. I was about to drown with
pleasure but then I realized... It was Kinn!
Even if I was drunk, I remembered everything that happened in this room.
And I remembered HIM on TOP of me. I made my way out of the bed, but a
pungent scent caught my attention. I looked down at the side of the floor and
immediately pulled up my feet.
There's a puke smothered all over the floor and what's worse, I knew right
away that it's mine. After I vomited last night, I black out. But the point is,
Kinn kissed me. Why on earth did he do THAT!? What the hell is he
thinking? or maybe he was just messing up with me that's why he did what he
did? That must be it!
I walked to the other side of the bed and looked at the clock on the wall. It
was already nine o'clock, I still have an hour left before that little ding dong
call for me. This scene really reminds me of the day I slept on the sofa. Same
moment and same feeling.
I stood up placing my palms on my waist, when suddenly the glass door
opened. I immediately crouched down as the sound of the door caught my
ear. It revealed Kinn holding his phone, wrapped with the couch cover and
turned his gaze towards me. His face was calm as ever, not even a trace of
anger on them. He only looked at me raising an eyebrow and I stared back at
"Why didn't you wake me up? Where did you sleep?"
I asked calmly. I felt a sudden guilt when I realized that he slept on the sofa
while my ass stayed comfortably on his bed.
"Wipe your puke before you go."
He replied. His eyes are glued to his phone again.
"Of course! You don't have to tell me."
I murmured to myself and walked back to the room. I grabbed some tissues
and crouched down to wipe my mess.
The sudden rush of disgust washed over me as the mixture of alcohol and the
scent of vomit hit my face. I'm just so glad that I didn't remove my clothes
like the last time because if I did, I don't know if I'll be able to face Kinn
I took a damp cloth and gave the floor a second wipe to remove any residue.
After wiping the floor, I removed the sheets of Kinn's bed and dragged them
out to wash them, but Kinn stopped me.
"You can leave them. The house lady will come and pick them up later."
Kinn said, leaning against the door frame while his arms rested along his
I immediately dropped the pile of dirty laundry in front of him.
"Can you at least put them on the side?"
He said with a smirk playing on his lips.
"Why? I'll just leave them here, for her to see."
I said as I left the pile on the way to the door. A lot of questions keep on
playing in my head and I wanted to ask him about it but I'm afraid that I
would get even more confused if he answered anything with a tease.
Kinn said, blocking my way with his hand.
I really don't know what to say to you Kinn, please not now.
"What is it?"
I asked in a soft tone.
"What did you do last night?"
Fuck! I'm still processing my thoughts and he's already asking me about it.
I'm really screwed right now!
"W-what did I do?"
I asked, trying to look at him as if I don't know what he is talking about. But I
just couldn't because the moment our eyes met, I immediately turned away. I
can't look him in the eye!
"Last night... when you lift me up,"
I can feel another headache coming, as I tried to reminisce about the events of
last night.
"O-okay. What did I do?"
"It still hurts."
Shit! Can you be more specific Kinn?
My heart is already throbbing with fear.
First I slept on your bed and I even puked on the floor. Now this!? Did I do
something to him? Ahhhgg! Spare me!!
"W-what the hell did I do?"
I repeatedly asked.
"Last night, when you took me out from the table. You mishandled me
and even let me hit this!"
He suddenly grabbed my hand and placed them over his abdomen. I could
feel his warmth through the silk clothes, and it sent me shivers, leaving me
frozen at the moment.
When I realized his gesture, my eyes went wide, and immediately snatched
my hand away.
"What the hell are you doing!?"
I said in confusion and pushed his hand away. I then made my way out as
soon as possible. I heard Kinn's laugh as I walked out but was too afraid to
give a damn about it and continued sprinting away.
Damn you Kinn! What the hell are you doing!? Why the fuck are you doing
this to me!? Why are you confusing me? When I reached outside, I slammed
the door shut, startling the bodyguards. Big then gave me a look, but I
couldn't care less because I already have too much for today.
My arm was forcefully pulled again.
"Let me go!"
I quickly flicked his arm and turned to give him an annoyed look.
"What did you do there?"
The lad pulling my arm asked me with urgency. And it was Big.
"None of your business."
I replied in annoyance.
"You bastard! I'm asking you properly!"
he snapped at me.
"I said, It's none of your fucking business."
I was about to walk again, but the bastard kept on yanking my arms. I just
kept my eyes low, suppressing my anger. Because if I met him, I would really
hit him hard.
"Answer my question! And what the fuck happened to your neck!?"
he said but instead of getting angry, I was left in shock.
I immediately took a hold of my neck and to my surprise the plaster that I put
there was gone.
"If you have so much time bothering me, why don't you use it for
something worthwhile?"
I said in a tired voice. The memories of last night and the new marks on my
neck only depicts that the scene I remembered really happened.
"Porsche! If you answer me that way again, I'll fucking beat you up!"
He aims a fist at me. I was never afraid of this guy and if he wants a fight, I
will gladly give it to him.
"Did the dog greet you early?"
a voice came and wrapped his arms around my neck. Pol.
"What are you guys doing here?"
I said in awe, but another man came.
"The dog probably didn't take his medicine. That's why he's wilding."
It was Arm, standing beside me.
"Hey! You two wanted a piece of me!?"
Big said to both of them. He's face was red as hell.
"Come on! We know who's the one afraid here Phi. We just don't want
to waste our morning for something like this."
Pol said, still holding my neck and dragged me outside the scene. I glanced
back at Big's direction, expecting him to come after us, but he was immediately cut off by his subordinates. He can only let out a frustrated shout
as we make our way down.
As for me, the two bastards dragged me down to the cafeteria and I caught a
glance of Pete. In his casual clothes again. It must be his day off.
"Brother Big is starting a fight this early and you even let him do so. Are
you crazy?"
Said Arm. Placing a bowl of food and rice in front of me.
I said before removing the vegetables from my bowl and throwing them on
the side.
"But I thought you went into your room, Porsche. Why did you come out
of Khun Kinn's room?"
Pol turned to ask me.
Fuck! I thought I'm already done with this conversation with Big. But these
two are far worse than I thought. Most specially Pete, who won't stop
grinning on the side.
"Fuck Pete! You left me alone with Kinn last night!"
I turned to accuse him.
"Why me? I was drunk last night too. I don't know why you are blaming
He replied in a suspicious tone. As if there was something he knew that I
"You fucking ass! How could you!"
I continued yelling at Pete.
"Hey, hey, Porsche! How come you have more marks on your neck like
last time? Didn't we agree that if you find a girl, you'll share it with
Arm said with full enthusiasm, making Pete laugh.
"What's wrong with you Pete? Why are you laughing?"
Arm turned to Pete.
"Nothing. The rice was too hot."
I gave Pete a look, but the motherfucker only turned his glance away from
"Ohhh. I want to be born with a face like Porsche. You get drunk, and
you'll immediately get laid."
Pol fanning some more to the fire. I don't know how to react to this
conversation anymore.
The bastards then continued eating and when they were done, went straight to
the shower and changed into uniform.
"Khun Tanakhun is about to leave, Porsche. You should wear your suit
Arm said to me, and I nodded. Making my way to the bathroom and glancing
at the mirror.
Fuck! They're really new marks! Why did he do that? Is he gay?
But he looked like a womanizer. Tough features and body.
Women probably lined up just to get a piece of him. But last night, I really
did feel good. But if it wasn't Kinn, I'd probably enjoyed it more. Or maybe I
can— Ahhhgg! I don't know anymore!
I just let out a deep sigh and continued my business in the shower. After I took a bath, I put on my uniform and headed to Khun Tanakhun's room.
Immediately upon entering the room, I saw him. Still on the bed, must be
because we're too hard on him last night. I'm just glad that Arm and Pol told
me that the shooting practice will be at noon. Because I wouldn't be able to
come if it's in the morning.
Khun Korn wanted us to practice shooting, for self-defense purposes. As for
today's shift, I and my subordinates drag Khun's jelly-like body inside the
bathroom. And checking on him from time to time, making sure that he
doesn't fall asleep while taking a shower.
The day shift wasn't so bad at all, but Khun still wanted to go at night. I'm
fine with it as long as I'll still be able to go home to my brother.
I was on the way assisting Khun to get inside his car when I bumped into
Khun Korn.
"Practice well, Porsche. Get the targets so you'll be able to be a good
gunman too."
He said to me with a smile, and I nodded. He then looked at his son, but the
bastard was already asleep in the back seat.
As for me, I'm barely hanging by myself. It's like I'm taking care of my own
son. And it's so bothersome. I was about to sit inside the car when Kinn
suddenly came out of the house together with his bodyguards.
"Please look after Tanakhun's brother too."
Khun Korn said, and I realized that Kinn will be coming with us too. He then
went in on the other van behind ours.
I got in the car not paying much attention to Kinn but with this arrogant state,
he swayed his neck back and forth as if his body was still numb from too
much drinking last night.
Weren't you even the slightest ashamed in front of your bodyguards!?

KinnPorsche The Novel (ENG Translation)Where stories live. Discover now