Chapter 2

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Tomi pov)) 

I stared out a the ocean. The salty ocean breeze was all I could smell. My eyes widen. My mouth grew and became a beck. I could feel my human mind attempting to retreat back but I held it fast. I couldn't shift right now. 

I wanted to be closer. I walked forward Nile following close behind. It had been so long since my last time here. I had missed the ocean breeze, the sound of the crashing waves and the light ocean mist that hit my face. I looked around at the cliff, walking closer to the cliff edge. 

I sat down at the cliff edge Nile was somewhere behind me probably talking to Mar's and just let myself calm down. It had been a hectic morning I was so happy to be at the ocean. My legs were tired from all the walking and I could basically feel the throbbing in my feet. 

I closed my eyes and tried to relax but my mind kept flashing back to what parents said. They were crazy to say the least. They didn't like me going out with my flock. My parents just wanted to cage me. Most days I felt like a bird stuck in a cage too small. 

"Hey Tomi ready to go down to the beach?" Nile asked as he pushed his hair back. It looked messy. I guessed he forgot to brush it.

"Yeah." I replied standing up and stretching out my wings. 

"Ok good. The others went to go hang out in the forest. So it'll just be us." Nile said smirking and wiggling his fingers at me. I smothered a laugh and pushed his fingers away. 

"Ok lets go." I said. Nile was right by my side as we walked around the cliff edge to the steep hill down to the rocky beach. 

Nile laughed when I slipped going down the hill so I flipped him off and started walking off down the beach. I was looking the perfect place to perch at. After a little while of searching I found a huge rock that over looked the ocean. It had a smooth surface and and easy way to get up and down. 

I climbed up easily and stared out at the ocean. I let my mind and most of my stress just slip away. I could feel my back talon growing. I stared out at the ocean. Waves crashed and mist blew up into my face. Still yet I wanted to be closer. I felt the sudden urge to dig underground. I had read that Wegde Tail Shearwater's underground but I've never felt the urge so strong until now. 

I slip off the rock and felt a small panic not seeing Nile until I noticed he was laying on a washed up log looking up at the sky. 

"Hey Nile!" I yelled watch Nile quickly stand up from the log only to slip on a rock. I chuckled and walked over to Nile. 

"What? I was sleeping." Nile grumbled rumbling his back. I helped him off the ground and once he was standing he started dusting himself off. 

"I want dig. Just a little bit like a dip in the ground." I said Nile looked a little confused but just shrugged. 

"Sure. Can I help you or do you want to work alone?" Nile asked stretching. I kicked some stones and nodded feeling embarrassed for some reason. 

I started off towards the hill up. I knew the Wedge Tail Shearwater nested on higher ground. Nile and I when reaching the top of the hill looked around for a good place to start digging. Nile ending up finding the place under some tree was a small clearing with some big stones. It seemed perfect. I felt my feathers fluff as I looked around. 

"I guess this will be the place." Nile said with a soft smile. My face heated up and I quickly looked back down at the ground. I felt so embarrassed and I had no idea why. 

We used sticks the dig and scoop out the dirt. As we worked Nile said very little. He was concentrating very hard on digging my nest. 

"You know when you wanna make your nest just tell me and I'll help you." I said looking over at Nile. His eyes sparkled. 

"You would really. Thanks so much Tomi!" Nile said grining so wide I worried the corners of the mouth would rip. Again I felt my face heat up so I looked back down at what am was doing. 

We had so dug a decent dip in the ground. I cleared out some of the dirt and when walking out of the hollow heard Mar's yelling. 

"Oh I think it's time to go." I said to Nile. Nile quickly stood up and stumbled out of our hollow. Our little hollow. 

"Well. We should come back sometime soon. Work some more on ou- your nest." Nile said with a smile as he hooked his arm around my shoulders and walked off towards the voices of our friends. 

"We were call you guys for thirty minutes! Thirty minutes! I was worried you guys had fallin off a cliff!" Sundra yelled waving her arms around pacing back and fourth. I felt so terrible for worrying her. Pua just looked conflicted. Like she also wanted to yell at us but thought it would be too mean. Mar's was eating a apple and was pretty into it. 

I curled into myself. I felt awful. Nile stood next to me like a shield. Taking all Sundra words. His arm that had been hooked around my shoulders moved down to rub my arm. 

Sundra muttered something along the line of "I'm happy you guys are ok." Before storming off down the path back to our homes. 

I dreaded being back home. In the small cage with my parents around every corner. I shivered leaning in closer to Nile. 

"What's up? You ok?" Nile asked. 

"No. I'm not ok. I feel so useless and UGH I don't want to go home to my parents!" I growled rubbing my face with my free hand. 

"I wish you could live with me. My parents love you." Nile said before I could answer he continued. 

"I wish we were birds for real. You could make your nest. I swear I wouldn't hunt you. I'd protect you!" Nile continued. I chuckled and lightly tapped his hand. 

"Ok love birds break it up." Mar's said butting in. 

"Hey!" I yelping but Mar's stopped me. 

"We were thinking of having a sleepover at Sundra place. Her parents just to!d her they aren't going to he home tonight because they were staying with friends." Mar's continued with a smile. 

"Mar's and Pua said they can go." Pua and Mar's nodded as Sundra said this. 

"Can you two go? " Sundra asked. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. There was no way my parents would let me go. Nile nodded but I just sunk back into his embrace. 

"I don't know." I mumbled. Sundra just nodded. I knew Nile was giving her "the look" I could tell when he was doing it because his hand would curl into fists. It made me feel safe knowing he understood and kept me safe. 

The hike home was very calm but my mind was buzzing with worry. As I waving good bye to Sundra and Mar's. I felt the worry finally break through. 

"Hey I'll walk you home." Nile offered. 

"No I'm ok." I said feeling myself tremble. 

"You sure? You can tell me-" Nile started but I cut him off. 

"No. I'm ok." I said and started walking off to my home. I felt so awful for being mean to Nile. When I looked up at the sky I noticed a hawk. I smiled. Nile was watching over me. 

When I finally reached my home I was shaking. I stood at the door debating going inside or not. In the end I took in a deep breath and walked inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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