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Dan's P.O.V

"Charioteer! I order you to stop!! Otherwise you'll have to face harsh consequences!"


Dan wakes up gasping and panting!

Why do I keep getting these nightmares...? Why do I see myself chasing a chariot so many times... The same chariot.. the same place.. the frozen lake.. no... the frozen river! Why do I keep seeing this so vividly!?

He gets out of bed and goes down the stairs to drink some water..

What is that?! There's something at my feet.. Urgh I can't even see in the darkness!

I hear a noise.. has someone barged in..? No! The security is way too tight for that! But there's someone here...


THE FUCK! I almost had a heart attack! I look at Violet standing by the light switch with a cake on the round table just in front of the counter.. I look down to find multiple of balloons on the floor...

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Danny! Happy Birthday to you!"

"I- uh.. Thank you..?"

"Oh Danny! I was going to wake you up in a while! I know there's still some minutes to midnight.. But who cares! I did all of this for you!"

"Umm.. Thanks.. Violet.. but, you know.. I don't like-"

"Oh c'mon! Tough guy eh? Come let's celebrate your birthday! Just the two of us!"

"This was really... not necessary.."

"Don't be shy! It's your 22nd birthday! Let's cut the cake! I myself baked that! Vanilla, your favourite.."

Should I tell her I prefer chocolate.. nevermind. I should probably just appreciate her.

"Wait, wait!"


"... 10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4... 3... 2... 1... 0! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"

"Thank you.."

"I'm so excited to celebrate your birthday for the first time ever!"

"I- alright."

She's so weird.. of all my friends.. despite having been only some months we met.. she is so.. considerate.

Or is this excessive..? Ugh anyway..

Gracie's P.O.V

Lizzie wakes up in the middle of the night huffing and puffing!

"Lizz! Are you alright!?"

"He's coming for me! He will kill me!"

"No one's coming for you! You are safe here! Lizzie.. heyy don't cry! You're safe with me!"

"Gracie! Gracie I- I-"

"Shhh.. don't worry.. it's just a nightmare..." I hug her..

I can't bear to see her like this! I have to do something..

Lizzie passes the rest of the night on Gracie's lap.. the latter sits asleep against the wall beside her bed..

The sun rises.

"GRACIE!? Gracie where are you!?"

"Lizz! I'm- I'm right here!" I rush in the room!

"Everything's alright...?"

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