Maths lesson

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The door of the classroom sneaks open quietly,"where's Mr Lawson?" Rachel whispered as the students looked oddly at her for being quiet,"in the maths storeroom cupboard,getting textbooks." Danielle whispered back as Rachel stepped fully into the classroom and made her way to the back seat of the class,sitting down,putting her feat on the desk and crossing her arms over her chest,"don't tell him I'm here." She instructed as the students nodded,she was well hidden at the back of the class near the corner.

The children looked rather bemused at her before she spoke,"I'm only here to wind up Mr Lawson." The children just rolled their eyes,turning back in their seats acting as if nothing had changed..."god their so childish for teachers?" They all thought.

Five minutes later Eddie entered whilst Rachel was playing on her phone,headphones in,music blaring. Eddie still being unaware that Rachel was there carried on as normal,"sorry for being so long." Eddie faced the whiteboard again as he started scribbling down some equations before explaining how to solve them.

As soon as he finished he handed out a text book,now noticing Rachel was there he asked,"how long have you been here?" There was no reply,so he tapped her on her shoulder,making her peer up to him,before he asked again,"how long have you been here?" Rachel looked at him confused before answering,"sorry can't hear you!" She shouted on purpose gesturing towards the headphones in her ear. Eddie took them out of her ears,"no headphones in class." He grinned at her unimpressed expression on her face,"oh siiiirrrr!" She whined like a teenager,"nope my class room,my rules."
"My school,my rules," she retorted as she took them back off him,placing them in her bag. "Alright we'll make a deal."
"I'm listening."
"You can put them back in your ears if you get this question correct," he said pointing to an equation in the text book,as Rachel looked at if as if it was some foreign language. "But Eddie you know I'm crap at maths!"
"I know perfectly well your crap at maths I just want the children to know and if you get it wrong you've got to leave."
"Do you not want me here?" She asked innocently fluttering her eyelashes.
"Ooohhh sir you dropped yourself in it this time!" Aleesha shouted making everyone laugh harder than they already were.

After five minutes of Rachel trying to figure out the question she gave up;throwing her pen down onto the table and crossing her arms. "Can't do it," she exclaimed as Eddie chuckled at her. "You'll have to leave then and get on with your job."
"Oh when did Edward Lawson become so professional?" She mocked as Eddie put his hand to his chest," It's just if you don't get your paperwork done by tomorrow then the LEA won't be impressed. Especially with the inspection." Rachel was defeated here,but she really didn't want to go back to her boring office,"well I'm not moving!" She pouted as a mischievous plan formed in Eddie's head,"fine suit yourself." Eddie walked over to her and picked her up into a fireman's lift as she squealed,"Eddie put me down!" She giggled as the class broke into hysterics as Rachel kept on smacking Eddie's back,"you asked for it. Right class behave I'll be back in five !" As Eddie carried Rachel down the corridor,receiving the odd picture being taken and confused face and,as Rachel gave up she couldn't help but notice that she had a pretty good view of his bum.

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