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CONTENT WARNING: Attempted rape


My anger has turned into madness. Seeing Y/n kissing and touching Duke right in front of me was more than necessary to enrage me. What makes it worse is knowing she picked him over me. Fuck that. I'm going to teach her a goddamn lesson about respect. I'll fuck her so hard she never even thinks about another man again. 

My rage subsides when Y/n drops to the floor unconscious. Everyone is silent and in almost shock. While others are trying to figure out what is happening, my mind flashes back to earlier. I knew Duke drugged her drink. I look down at Y/n's blacked out and vulnerable body. Her breathing is steady which makes me feel a sense of peace, but knowing Duke is responsible for her current state is enough to leave me tainted with monsterous thoughts. The urge inside me to snap Duke's neck is pulsing within my whole body. Pansy rushes over to Y/n, sitting beside her on the floor. Pansy tries waking her up, but Y/n isn't giving any kind of response. I glare up at Duke. He has a smug look on his face that he quickly wipes away when he sees me staring at him. Seeing the pride in his eyes for his actions only fills my mind with more violence. I move my eyes back to Y/n, not wanting to give away my emotion for what he has done.

I know Duke drugged her drink to fuck her. Classic Duke. Always wanting what he can't have. What belongs to someone else. What belongs to me. Despite wanting to teach Duke a lesson for hurting what's mine, I can't make it obvious to others. Love isn't something I want to be associated with, and saving a practical stranger from Duke's usual hook ups wouldn't go well with that. How else could I save her from hm without making it obvious. Before I come up with something, Duke picks her up off the ground wife style.

 "I'll take her up to her room and make sure she's taken care of," Duke says before turning and walking away. Red, hot anger sweeps through my veins as I watch him carry Y/n up the stairs and out of sight. My mind races with the image of what I know Duke is planning to do with Y/n. Bile rises in the back of my throat. I quickly push it down. Maybe this is the wake up call I need. There is no fucking way I am going to allow myself to sacrifice my reputation for a girl I met only a handful of hours ago. All good things come with time. I can't forget that. I'll allow Duke to have his fun tonight. I'll cut off any part of him that touched what isn't his another time, and I'll replace his touch with my own when she inevitably falls on her knees for me.


My eyes open, and the movement itself make me feel dizzy. Everything is foggy and disfigured. I can tell I am lying on my bed. I'm still wearing my dress from earlier. It's dark which means it's still night time. But the more I wake up, the more I notice this is not my room. It smells like cinnamon and strong cologne. I am lying on a bed with light grey sheets, and mine are dark green. I see this is a one-man room, and I'm in a two-man room with Pansy. In fact, it isn't even a girl's dorm. I am lying in some guy's bed. I try to sit up, but my head rushes and I quickly fall back down. I do not feel right. My head is still dizzy, and everything is very blurry. 

My mind is rushing wondering what's going on, but I can't understand my surroundings or enough to solve the confusion. "Y/n, you have been out for two hours," a voice booms from the other side of the room, "The party is over, and now you're all mine." I can't completely make out the voice since all I can focus on is the terrible headache I am having. Suddenly, the blankets on the bed are all pulled from on top of me. Hands grab my ankles and pull me towards the end of the large bed. I blink my eyes trying to make out what's happening, but it doesn't work. I know, however, that something isn't right. My stomach turns on itself when I hear what sounds like a belt unbuckle and a zipper open.

I start to slowly become more aware. My vision begins to clear, and I notice Duke standing at the front of the bed staring down at me. I look down his body to find him half naked and his pants undone. I try to move away, but all my body is able to do is squirm. I don't move long before his hands grab my waist and hold me down. He tightens his hold pressing his fingers into my ribs. The grip is hard and I know it's going to bruise. "Don't move," Duke demands. I fully start to understand what's happening, and what Duke is going to make happen. I start to squirm more before I feel his hand smack me across the face, hard. I whimper from the pain before he graps my face. He leans into my ear not letting go of my face before whispering in my ear, "I told you. Don't. Fucking. Move." I stay still, not wanting to be hit again.

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