Questionable Relationship

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It has been a few months since the new students came. Everything was again going smoothly as expected. Omegaa would be happy about this. It's winter break, and Sana decided to visit her family and stay there for a while, leaving Fauna behind to her own family. The two have been so close that they would sometimes flirt with each other, which makes Kronii mad. Fauna and Kronii are dating after all. Sana hopes for Kronii to not be at her anymore since she'll be away from Fauna for a while and they could have their own time as well. Although, Fauna felt lonely even if her girlfriend was with her. Every time Kronii would give attention and love for Fauna, her heart doesn't get flustered anymore. Maybe because Kronii has been way too narcissistic.

Sana said her goodbye to Fauna, along with Kronii. Kronii was observing how much Fauna was frowning as she watches Sana walk out of the school gate. Kronii couldn't help but feel jealous. Kronii walked back in the school to her dorm where Mumei was, leaving Fauna concerned. Mumei was packing some things. Kronii could only think of one thing. Mumei must be going home to her family and leave Kronii. Which Kronii gets saddened about. These two may not be as close as they are to others but, to Kronii, getting to see her forgetful dormmate leave makes Kronii's heart shatter into more pieces. Kronii would also feel lonely that she can't have someone to bully. Kronii loves to bully Mumei at times where they get along. Mumei would forget about one thing and that's when Kronii starts to bully her. Mumei had nothing until tears fell out of her eyes through her cheeks, suddenly making Kronii feel guilty.

But all those will be gone for a while, which Kronii wouldn't like. What if Mumei comes back to being another person? Will Kronii still be able to tease and bully Mumei? Kronii shrugged off all the thoughts that ran through her mind and cleared her throat, startling Mumei.

"Going home?" asked Kronii.

"Oh, uh— no." said Mumei.

Kronii raised a brow and un-crossed her arm and stood up straight.

"Eh? Why are you packing then?" asked Kronii.

"I don't know. Maybe I wanted to see how you would react or something." said Mumei.

Kronii froze but she could feel her cheeks heat up. She didn't know how to respond to that.

"I noticed how much you've been bullying me, although I don't remember what's the reason of it. I thought, maybe you want a lot of my attention?" said Mumei as she stood up and walk to Kronii.

Kronii couldn't help but feel her heart go back to onr piece and beat fast. Why is she blushing? Mumei put her finger on Kronii's lips.

"Maybe you're wanting my attention for this winter break so you and I can have a thing?" asked Mumei.

Kronii gulps.

"What? Of course not. Why would I like a human like you?" said Kronii, cracking her words.

"Nothing. I just read a book and it said there, "the person who likes you will do anything to catch your attention" something like that." said Mumei.

Kronii nervously laughed and tried to bully Mumei again. But with Mumei's intelligence, Kronii wasn't able to slide through. Mumei did something to make Kronii expose herself. But will Kronii confess?


Fauna had just finished changing and went out of the dorm right away. She encountered Gura on her way out and called for her. Gura seemed to be waiting for something.

"Hey Gura~ Waiting for someone?" said Fauna.

"Oh hey Fauna, I'm waiting for Ina. We're going out on a date before we head back home to our families." said Gura.

Date. How long has it been since Kronii and Fauna have got into a date? Fauna went silent, concerning Gura.

"How about you and... uh— Kronii?" asked Gura hesitantly.

"Oh uh... we're.. we're doing fine~ She's actually at her dorm right now, probably with Mumei. I don't know if she's going home or she's gonna stay here for council works without the president."

"Oh? Then what about you?"

"I'm visiting my Mom. We haven't been able to talk that much ever since the semester started." said Fauna.

It was a lie.

Gura smiled, her heart softens as she sees how kind Fauna is. Ina called from behind, waving for Gura to notice. Gura turned around and waved back to her girlfriend.

"What took forever ~?" asked Gura.

"Ah, I chatted with Ame. We won't see her until the end of the break. She's also going home." said Ina.

"Everyone's visiting families, huh?" said Gura.

Ina nodded in response.

"Oh hey Fauna. How are you?" said Ina.

"I'm great. Fresh as always. Good luck on your trip by the way!" replied Fauna.

The couple then walked out of the school as Fauna watches them. Fauna turned her head back to Kronii's dorm and saw Kronii walking backwards. Fauna raised a brow until she saw Mumei walk towards Kronii. Mumei locked Kronii against the wall. Her hand next to Kronii's head. Fauna saw this and of course felt her heart break into pieces. She wants to go and stop Mumei but...

"What's the point of stopping them if I don't have feelings anymore?" asked Fauna to herself.

"It's not like I'm not allowing you to fall for a human when I, myself, has fell for a human." said Fauna.

Fauna sighed, and managed to stop herself from crying. She took a breathe and stepped from where she was standing. Kronii didn't know how to feel towards Fauna  as soon as she started to walk. She's having mixed emotions; guilty and hurt. How could Fauna just walk like that after a lot of attention she gave Fauna? The thing is, she hasn't noticed what made Fauna lose feelings for her. How dense of her, even before they started to date. The string had just cut off as soon as both shrugged off the thoughts.

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