Chapter 19: Slides

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Third Person's POV
Tetsuya observed the red haired emperor beside him as they waited for the elevator door to open again.

'I'm sorry... but I actually don't want to look through the album, Akashi-san...'

Tetsuya thought as he let out a sigh.

The album that Akashi lended was just sitting in his nightstand for a few days not because he kept forgetting or because he was too busy, it was becuse he was too scared to open it.

He doesn't know why, but he was getting a lot of weird feelings about the Album.

He is not denying the fact anymore that these people might actually knew him in the past. Before he had forgotten everything.

He already regained most of his memories. His childhood few months after his accident. His cousins and Seigen, a year after the accident. Then he remembered about his parents and how they died, just about three years ago.

But them...

He can't remember them. He can't remember his middle and High School days being spent with them. It's all glitching like an old and broken television.

But he doesn't feel guilty about not trying his best to remember. Like a child, he chose to be stubborn and ignore them. It's like his childish and immature side is telling him that they deserve to be forgotten, if ever.

Anyway, thinking about them just gives him those weird mixed heavy feelings...

A combination of Anger, Familiarity and Sadness.

He hates feeling this way. It makes him feel inferior. Confusion makes him feel inferior.

"...Are you..."

Tetsuya turned and looked at the man beside him when he heard him spoke. He tilted his head a little, waiting for the man to finish his sentence.

"... It's nothing. I heard you sigh tiredly, that's all. I was just wondering what you were thinking"

The man explained then looking away at the end. Kuroko gave a small smile and looked away from the red haired emperor as the elevator door opened.

"I just remembered all the work and stuff I have to get back to after this short vacation" Tetsuya simply said and chuckled softly.

"Mmm, I can already imagine the amount of paper works waiting for you..." Akashi chuckled as he stepped out first in the elevator.

"Of course you do. You're probably the same... " Tetsu retorted with an undignified snort.

"Tetsu-chan~ You're finally here! What took you so long??"

* * * * * * * * * *

For who knows how many times already, Tetsu once again sighed as he read the memorandum that he received about the new transfer students. He leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes.

"It's in the middle of the fucking semester. Why the fuck are they transferring now? Can't they fucking wait for the second semester to start?"

The black haired secretary grumbled under his breath as he sat at Tetsu's left side.

Tetsu doesn't know why, but he is having a bad feeling about this new students. It's like a new set of headaches is coming for his already growing headaches.

"And it's not only one student, but fucking six of them" His secretary added which he ignored.

He internally groaned and prayed to God that he won't have any problems with these transfer students. He is already on the verge of going on rampage with all the stress and responsibilities he is handling. He can already feel how much relief he'll get if he starts breaking things and releasing all this pent-up stress and frustrations.

"Shut up, Natsuko. You're giving Tetsu more headache from your cursing and rants... "

The door slid open and another black haired boy entered the room. He had a gentle smile and held a black clipboard, which seems to hold a thick layer of papers. Tetsu silently prayed in his mind that those papers are not meant for him to read and sign.

"Yashiro, do you have it? I think I will need a shot of those painkillers sooner or later... " Tetsu grumbled as he sat up and pushed his chair back to stand.

"You know I always do" Yashiro softly replied as he took the seat at the right adjacent side of Tetsu's.

Yashiro looked around and noticed that the conference table is empty, with the exception of the three of them.

"Where are the others? We're supposed to have a meeting right?"

The boy asked as he unclipped the papers from his clipboard and settled them on the table infront of him and slid them to Natsuko who groaned while reluctantly taking it all.

"I moved it for another hour. Hannah and Marcial suddenly had extended lecture class in their business math... " Tetsu explained as he went to the window and opened it to let the breeze in.

"The others will arrive half an hour early or a few minutes early. You can relax for a while... " Tetsu continued as he leaned on the windowsill.

"Hey, you're not in your clinical uniform or scrubs. No lectures or Clinical works today?" Natsuko asked as he rested his chin over the table.

"Nope. I've just came from one of my lecture class. But it ended early so I had the time to change into something comfortable" he explained as he clicked his pen and started writing something in his journal.

Though he was busy revising some papers, he glanced at the teal haired boy who was leaning on the window with a pale complexion and a frown.

"Do you need me to administer it now or do you want to hold the pain in longer?" He calmly asked, but the worry in his eyes were completely visible.

Tetsu dropped his head with a sigh before responding.

"Yeah. Come on, give me that shot... "

He said as he walked towards his own office desk and sat on his comfy chair. Yashiro quickly let go of his pen and journal and swiftly got out of his chair. In a few seconds, he is already in front of Tetsu with the familiar black pouch laid open on the desk.

"Alright, lean back and relax, Tetsu... "

"That sounded so wrong, Yashiro-kun"

Then a book suddenly came flying into Natsuko's face.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Everything is already approved and the the things we need are already prepared. All that was left for me to do was to inform all of you"

A pair of golden yellow eyes stared at the paper that was placed in front of him. His mind was still trying to process the news he received just this morning and now with what was written on the paper just had his mind buffering more.

"Is... Is this for real? " He asked and a snort was then heard behind him.

"After being silent and gawking at the news and paper in front of you for more than 10 minutes,  that's what you are asking? " A deep and lazy voice said.

"What's with the sudden Transfer?"

"Hmm... I just want to. And I figured everyone feels the same. I hope I'm not wrong"

Tadaaa!! 😂😘 I don't have much to say except,  I'm back my lovely li'l readers. Hahaha I hoped this chapter is enough for my comeback.

Next update will be next week or so.✨


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