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I swear my intentions are not good

The course passed without much incident for the group, but all good things must come to an end, and that happened when the compartment door was flung open.

"I'm looking for Harry," he said (the one Harry immediately recognized as Draco Malfoy).
in a bored voice, before his gaze from him went to the only boy in the room, "is that you?" I have asked greedily.

"No, I'm James Evans," Harry said before holding out his hand, which was viewed with displeasure by the 3 children (Malfoy and his bodyguard). Malfoy left, giving everyone a look of disgust.

The boys in the compartment looked at each other before shrugging.

"And what house do you want to be in?" Hermione asked, changing the subject.

"I want to go to Slytherin, along with Daphne, do you?" Tracey said.

"Well, I want to go to Gryffindor, Albus Dumbledore was there," said Hermione.

"I want to go to Slytherin, though I doubt I'll be welcome," Harry said thoughtfully, receiving a look from the Muggle-born, "not all Slytherins are bad Mione," Harry said making her blush, "look at them , they're good people, and they want to go to Slytherin." Before they could say anything else, the door opened again.

"Hello, Malfoy's saying he befriended Harry Potter, is that you?" he asked, the one Harry learned was Ron Weasley (by a passive legermancy), but before he could reply, Ron continued. It's not good that the Boy Who Lived hangs out with snakes" he said, looking at his companions "but hey, do you remember?" I ask enthusiastically.

"Remember what?" Harry asked confused.

"How did you defeat the one who must not be named" he said as if it were obvious.

"Oh yes, it's one of my favorite memories, watching my mother and father get killed in front of me," he said in an icy voice, "I'm NOT Harry Potter, but I doubt the Boy Who Lived would like to talk about it." , before that, the boy's ears turned red and then he quickly fled, Harry sighed, in the attack of legermancy, he saw that he had another sister, that would not matter much to him, but it was the 7th girl and everyone knew that the 7th son was very powerful, he would have to see a way to get closer to the family.

Xxxxx xxxxX
Harry was now in the great hall about to be selected, Hermione went to Gryffindor along with Wesley, Daphne, Tracey, Draco and other children went to Slytherin. Now only the selection of the hat was missing.

"Interesting mind you have, also what revealing secrets you have," he said the hat on his head.

"Don't try to scare me hat, I know you can't tell anyone or the headmaster what you see on my mind, so why don't you take me to the house that will lead me to greatness," said Harry.

"Okay," said the hat with a sigh, "Slytherin," shouted the hat to everyone in the great hall.

Xxxxx xxxxX
Harry was exhausted, he ate a lot at dinner, he sang the school song, he heard a boring speech from his head of house, he just wanted to sleep, heading for the stairs only to be stopped by a voice.

"I wonder what a disgusting half-blood is doing here?" said a 7th year boy, Harry saw that the stairs were blocked by a group of children and turned to where the boy was with a classmate, he noticed that many people were looking at him and many They laughed at what was going to happen, sighing internally, he put a smile on his face.

"I don't know," he said with a shrug, "am I ambitious, cunning or capable. The hat thought I look good in green," Harry said simply, only to find himself with a hand on his neck and being pinned against the wall.

"Don't want to go too clever mestizo, you're inferior here, you see those boys over there" he said pointing to the boys on the stairs "and to her" he pointed to the girl behind him "you're going to obey us, because that's all you're good for.

"Or" Harry continued as if he hadn't been interrupted "because I share the noble gift of Salazar Slytherin" he said causing them to look at him confused, before they could speak, a hoarse whisper was heard scaring everyone, especially the boy who was holding him to Harry, since he had a viper with dark brown scales around his neck, Harry greeted the snake making everyone's blood freeze as it spoke to him in Parseltongue.

"Po...Pot...Potter, don't do something you don't want" said the scared boy. Only to receive a sadistic laugh from the boy.

"It's funny isn't it? How things change, a moment ago you were threatening and now you're acting like a child." Harry said with anything but amusement.

"Please, I will do everything you ask me" he said kneeling down when he saw that the snake took out its fangs from him.

"I don't want you to do favors for me out of fear," Harry said, moving dangerously close to the boy.

"Then what do you want?"

"I just want to sleep," Harry said childishly before grabbing the snake and going to the bedrooms.

"Disgusting product of Mudblood," he roared casting a purple spell at his back, Harry drew his (illegal) wand and like a knife snapped the spell which hit two of the children on the stairs before launching a spell that made the girl who was next to the boy who attacked first go flying until hitting a wall with a loud noise, and in another movement throw chains at the boy who insulted Harry and tighten them, Harry stood in the middle of the room.

"I know you don't like me, to be honest, most of you don't either, so just leave me alone" and with that he went to sleep.

Mischief done.

Share if you like it, it would help a lot.

Suggestions welcome.

I don't know what happened, but this part didn't appear in the other chapter.

Daphne: Anya Teylor
Bathsheda: Freya Alan
Tracey: Cree Cicchino


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