"The truth comes to light"

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I swear my intentions are not good.

Narcisa stood up when she heard the explosion with her eyes wide open in horror. She turned to look at her sister and saw how her eyes were shining and she had a sinister smile on her face, which brought back some very bitter memories. She had the same face when she was torturing to the people who were once captive in Malfoy Manor (since although he was not a Death Eater, he had to watch how Bellatrix practiced her curses on the half-bloods and Muggle-borns) she staggered and sat up, she was no longer prepared for this type of scenes, he put his hands on her face, If it hadn't been for Bella... she thought, but stopped mid-thought.

"Did you know that?" She asked in a small voice, making Bella stop seeing the glass.

"Eh?" She said without having heard properly, since she was very focused on the transmission.

"You knew it," Narcisa said, standing up, it was no longer a question, it was an accusation.

"Oh Cissy, did you really think I was going to let you have something happen to you?" Bella said getting up and approaching her sister.

"So you stop following one dark wizard, only to follow another" said Narcissa, crossing her arms.

"I don't follow him" she said crossing her arms and pouting "he needs my help" she said with a big smile earning a questioning eyebrow from her sister "Voldemort" Bella start, earning a surprised look from Narcissa and making her shiver "the bastard just He wanted followers to make a pyramid and stand at the top" she said with a look of pure hatred "but Gerard" she said changing his face drastically "he wants allies, he loves me" she said with a dreamy smile "and he also loves you" Bella said looking at his sister staring.

Xxxxx xxxxX
Severus Snape was finishing reading one of the many books that he had copied from Harry's Library (in the chapter 'Slytherin vs Gryffindor', he says that someone copied the books, that person was Snape I'll explain in case I don't explain myself well) and although he wasn't afraid of the boy, he didn't want him to find out that he had copied the books, he closed the book and put it in a large pile, he had already finished many and had learned many things, about concealment and privacy spells, as well as a very complete and detailed explanation of the dementors, something that seemed strange to him, but surely that was where he got what he needed to repel those creatures, closing his office he went to sleep, tomorrow it was Christmas.

Snape woke up and, because he was a 'bit' grump, he wasn't expecting presents this day, which is why he was surprised to see a lone gift at the foot of his bed, and he was even more surprised to see who it was from, it was from Harry Potter, cast several detector spells, but found nothing wrong with the gift, so he opened it, but with caution, there was a note and he read it, this made him pale a little, as it said:

"If you wanted to read what was in the books you just had to ask, professor.  "Anyway, the spell may not have worked perfectly, so I'll send you a copy of each book."

Snape looked inside the box and saw that it had been magically amplified and inside was a copy of each of the books he had read he had copied.

Albus was walking quickly through the castle, one of the portraits had told him that Grindelwald had left Lupin's office, but Lupin didn't come out...

He entered quickly and only saw the magician sitting in his office in his thoughts.

"Remus?" he asked calmly, shooing the man away.

"Oh, hello professor," Lupin said with a weak smile.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, approaching the wizard, who gave him a gift containing everything necessary for the wolfsbane potion. "Do you think he knows?" Dumbledore asked.

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