the problem

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Foxy pov
I woke up again around 1am, I got off wolfo chest and the bed and went into the restroom and look myself into the mirror. I saw scars on my arm and neck. This was weird and I didn't like it so I went back into the room to wake up wolfo.

I heard foxy shaking me and said my name so I got up "what do you want?" I yawned "I have scratch marks on my arm and neck..." So I turned on the light and saw them. I grabbed him and look at them. "Have you been cutting?" I said in a mean tired voice "n-no! I would never I didn't have these" Foxy was shaking so I hugged him. "It's okay foxy... we can figure this out in the morning okay" I said to him then he nodded. So we both went back to sleep.

Nobody pov
The next moring. Everyone was at the dinner place (I forgot what I was called ;~;) except foxy and tord. Foxy and tord was still in the room but foxy was at tords place telling him what happened last night and showed him the scratches.

Tord pov
Foxy was showing me he's scratches. "Well idk what else to do but I think you need to see a doctor" "no! I'm not seeing one! Beside there not going to believe me!" I cup foxy cheek "foxy it's for the best but lets go get breakfast okay" Foxy nodded and we both took the elevator with a weird guy and foxy stand close to me like a kid.

Foxy pov
The guy was looking at me weird. I had a weird feeling so I stand close to tord but then the guy pulled something half way out of he's pocket and it was a condom. I felt uncomfortable but finally we got to the 1 first floor, tord took my hand and we went into the dinner place and same with the guy. Wolfo got my food. "You know I could get in myself right?" I looked at him " well I just wanted to be a nice friend you know" "...well okay fine" he giggled and I giggle to.

Nobody pov
Everyone got full then but the weird guy keeps looking at foxy. They all went outside and go shopping. Once they got there they went into there first store. A few mins later they came out with stuff but foxy didn't bc he was to scared to spend anyone's money and wanted to go shopping alone but wolfo didn't let him and tom didn't let him to.

Foxy pov
I wanted to go to a shopping by myself but noooo wolfo and tom doesn't want me to. I know last time I got kidnapped but I can handle it myself I'll be fine!... I hope. "Hey foxy you okay?" Tord said. "!! Yeah I'm fine..." "don't lie" "okay okay... I want to go shopping by myself but Tom and wolfo wouldn't let me go by myself bc someone will kidnapped me" I was mad but trying my not yell. "Well I mean they don't have to know... we can sneak off!" "Sneak off?" I was confused "yeah! They don't have to know" I was thinking about it "okay if you say so" tord grabbed me and we ran off.

Edd pov
I saw tord and foxy run off but I didn't say anything but tord would kill me if I did and I wouldn't remember them running off. I was looking at mirrors and I was matt cheaking me out and I blushed but I know he's only doing that bc he stilled love tord even Tom's keeping him away from him. Simba was looking at some nice shirts and wolfo to. But they needed new clothes anyways. Then wolfo looked around for foxy "foxy? Foxy!" Wolfo went to tom and told him tord and foxy were gone.

Wolfo pov
"Tord and foxy is gone" "what!" Tom was mad but didn't want to really show it "let's just look for them then 💢" I followed tom out of the place to look for them and we just left simba with the idiots. We looked everywhere until my ears perked up and saw them and I walked to them and tom followed to. "Wtf!" Tom was mad and grabs tord and tord just stood there not fighting. I looked at Foxy and he was scared. I justed grab foxy ear and I heard him wipering but I was to mad at him then we walked back to the others.

Nobody pov
They were all done shopping and went back to the hotel. Wolfo thrown foxy into there holet room and tom did the something but in he's apartment. Wolfo locked the door, grabs foxy again and throwns him on the bed.

Wolfo pov
"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING OF RUNNING OFF WITH TORD!!" "I-I so- " "SORRY DOESNT HELP!!" Foxy look down but I made him look at me and he was scared and was already crying. "How can you be so useless! You know not to go out there alone!" "...." "AGH!! YOUR SLEEPING ON THE FLOOR TONIGHT FOR WHAT YOU DID!!" Foxy was shaking then he was about to open he's mouth but I stopped him "and don't even talk to me!". Foxy just got off the bed, goes to a corner and sits there trying not to cry thinking I'm going to yell at him more.

Foxy pov
That was the first time wolfo yelled at me. He was my safe person that keep me calm but I guess not. So I put up my hoodie and picked up at him and saw him just sitting on the bed watching tv then I put my head down. Then I heard tom and tord fighting. That night I couldn't sleep. It was cold. I would us my wings but it doesn't change anything so I got up, went to the door and left the room quietly. I was tord drinking he's smirnoff. I ran to him hugging him and he hugs back. I was cuts on he's face and he had a black eye. Guess he's went horrible wrong. "I'm sorry for getting us in trouble foxy..." tord said in a low voice. "It's fine but... I didn't expect them to get mad but.... are you okay?..." I looked up at tord "yes I'm fine foxy I'll be okay"

Tord pov
I sigh, I went back into the room with foxy but tom was asleep. I closed the door behind us, I change into my jps, got in bed and foxy layed nexts to me. Then I felt tom wrapped he's arm around me "I'm sorry baby..." I smiled a little. I was to tired then I felt tom nibble my neck a few times then he went to sleep. Foxy was already asleep so I asleep as well. 2 hours later foxy got up, walked around, when into the bathroom and he took off he's shirt and he saw cuts on he's chest so he went to us to wake us up like a little kid. I woke up and tom did to. Tom turn on the lamp and saw claw marks on foxy body. Tom told foxy to come on the bed and foxy did as told.

Tom pov
I called foxy on the bed. I looked at the claw marks on him, I grab something from my side of the dower. It was a cream that heals scratches. I put that on foxy chest, neck and arm. Then I put the cream away. Foxy layed in the middle of us and fall asleep. I looked at tord but he looked away the. Layed down and fall asleep.'I must hurt him bad but he shouldn't had run off with my brother' I turned off the light and went back to sleep.

Nobody pov
The nexts day. Everyone was at the dinner place. But foxy stayed in tord and Tom's room. Foxy was sick so tom and tord didn't go.

(I'm finally post heck yeah but I'm really sorry I'm busy and not posting much but! School ends in 3 weeks so that means I get enough time to finish this story but enjoy your day/night)

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