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A/N : Thank you for clicking onto this fic! It is greatly appreciated and helps a ton. 

Song rec : Escape the world By Winter Foe

Some Context : This takes place in a distant future of where the DSMP currently is. At this point Ranboo has been arrived already, and the DSMP is going through a healing arc. This is not cannon to the DSMP, and I will most likely write more of this timeline in the future.

CW :

- Implied Depression

If I have missed and warnings please inform me and it will be updated immediately 


Tommy has always been fond of a specific person on the Essempi.

It was hard to realize at first, but the joy he felt when that flower was handed to him, the small smile that appears on his face when he calls out to him, the giddiness he feels when they talk was a joy that lifted the fog. The fog that made colors dim, the fog that made Tubbo not shine as bright anymore, the fog everyone dealt with. When Tommy looks around he see's that everyone was effected by this fog, and that not everyone has a person to drag them out of this foggy haze. At first Tommy that that his person was Tubbo, that Tubbo was the one that lifted his fog but Tubbo has his own fog. It's hard to try to get rid of someone else's fog when holding back your own, and after that realization Tommy thought that he would never have that light that would guide him through the corners he doesn't expect coming. Then he met him, the one who is also affected by this taunting fog but still shines bright enough to stand out between the dull colors. The one who tries to help everyone and even though he's not perfect and doesn't come near to being perfect he stood out when no one else would. The platonic happiness that Tommy feels when around him is something that can't be put into wor-

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks suddenly

Tommy distracts himself from the fog that his person is holding back and grounds himself with the present. The sand in between his toes, the slight breeze, and the setting sun are the things he focuses on. Next it's his person.

He turns back at him and takes him in. The slit dye hair that has grown out to mid waist length , the small scars that litter around his mouth and eyes from his trip to limbo, the eye bags from sleepless nights, the tear marks from the days when the fog became to much, and the eyes that maybe at one point shone with a light of hope but now dullen after years of fog and distant pleas of help that were never answered, but the bright smile and fond look that settles in his face outshines any flaws.

" just appreciating the view" he says slowly

He turns back to the sun that is now halfway down the horizon and closes his eyes with a content breath. And next to him his person does as well, maybe they both can finally rest with the time that has been gifted to them.

In a flower patch not far from them, an allium just sprouted from resting.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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