Ziggy Stardust (1)

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[Ziggy]                   The year? 1972!
    Off to work. Life on Mars couldn't get any easier! You see, recently Earth moved from, well, Earth, to Mars. A few of us lived here already, that is, after Earth was overpopulated. Nobody ruled Earth anymore, for all the leaders wanted salvation on our planet. It was ANARCHY!
     You see, my name is Ziggy. Ziggy Stardust— I work for the IMSL, the International Mars Sales Line.
      Its not what you think, no. I'm NOT a telemarketer. How it works is this: Someone wants to buy something, say from a magazine, or sell something, and I was to help the caller complete the purchase, or advertise the sale. Us Mars veterans all had funky fashion, that of which the Earthlings had, but ours was more intense. More fashionable, dare I say.
      I walked into the phone office building, where some Earth immigrants have starting picking up our work. I went to my small section of office, where I bid a greeting to my colleague and best friend, Mick Ronson. Mick was a golden guy. Shiny blonde mullet, precise makeup, and a gold outfit to die for!
      I sat down and centered myself for a long day of buzzing rotary phones and lots of writing. Just as I thought of the haunting phone ring, mine went off.
    I rolled my eyes, glanced at Mick, and jolted my energy to pick up the phone. Enthusiastically, I said, "Hello! You've reached the International Mars Sales Line, I'm Ziggy, and I'll be your associate for today. May I have a name to the caller please?"
     "I— yes— uhm..." the person seemed rather nervous, which I was a little taken back at, I'll admit. "...s...s..." they took a breath, "look, names don't matter. I was hoping I'd reach you, Ziggy. We know each other, though you don't need to remember, and it would be better if you didn't recall my identity. I need you to buy something from me, for nobody else should buy it. I only trust you, Stardust. This is very serious. Meet me at... dammit... uh... just meet me at the hotel near that Vienna museum."
      I only stuttered out a little "I— Uh—" before the man hung up. I wrote my first thing down for the day. "meeting, tomorrow, hotel —> Vienna, anonymous man."
     "Well, who was the lucky first caller, Zigzag?" Mick leaned back in his chair and said. "I— I don't know actually. No given name— very secretive guy. He wants me to meet up with him tomorrow, so I guess I have plans now." I responded. Mick put his hands behind his head and said, "Eh, don't worry about it much, Ziggy. I'm sure its just an embarrassed seller who isn't confident in some sort of crazy important invention."
       I shrugged and leaned on my desk on my elbows, making a concerned thinking face, trying to piece together that familiar voice with a face. It clicked. "LAWRENCE." I said out loud.

      I was angrily shoving my suitcase shut when the phone rang. I sighed heavily from exhaustion and pushed my glasses up. I strutted, annoyed, to the telephone and picked it up. "Yes?? Y/N speaking." I said with an irritated tone. "You going soon? To Mars I mean." I didn't recognize the voice speaking from the phone, so I asked, "Who's speaking, please?"
      "You don't need to know my name. Be on Mars, NorthEastern segment by 9 AM. You'll thank me. Pick up a paper on the way to your new dwelling."
       "Who is this?! Ugh!"
   The phone greeted with a dial tone and I went back to packing. I lived alone, no family left. Lonely is how I appreciated the smaller thing. It was a quiet, simple life, that I quite enjoyed. But now I was changing my clothes rapidly and throwing my coat on. I got the suitcase shut and rushed out the door, after savoring the last moments of my home. I greeted my car and it's engined roared all the way to the Spaceport.
       I slammed the car door shut for the last time, making sure I grabbed everything from it. I began walking to the door. Before entering, I turned toward the blue sky in which the moon was gleaming softly from it's position. I saluted it and walked inside, where I immediately bought a ticket for the next shuttle.
      After confirming the purchase I sat down by a window, staring down my Chevrolet Chevelle 1968 Laguna that took me oh-so-many days to save up for. I didn't even know why I was listening to some phone creep.  I figured forget about it. I was still going to grab the paper of course, but thats beside the point.
       Eventually my boarding number was called, and I was officially kissing and saluting the world and moon goodbye again. "Such a shame." I heard one lady say as I got up, eager to leave. "Yes, I can't believe the youth is so excited to leave." Another told the first woman. They didn't know my background, so I just kept walking confidently to the shuttle.
       Roughly an hour of flight later, I officially lived on Mars. I was met with a uniformed woman when I arrived at the second Spaceport, who happily spoke, "Are you Y/N?"
       I nodded and smiled, and she continued with, "Great! Welcome to Mars. I'm Sandra, and today I'll take you around the civilization that is readily built. I'll also be guiding you through our basic laws, currency, and your living location!"
       "Pleasure to meet you, Sandra. Frankly, I have no clue what I'm doing. Very glad I'm graced with your presence!" I told her.
      She gained a bright smile upon her face and began walking me outside of the Spaceport, where I was met with a busy freeway full of average humans and many, many people dressed in colorful outfits with flashy makeup and bright hair in flattering haircuts. "Don't worry about those in bright clothing. We're hoping that in the near future, all of Mars' residents will join in the fashion. Its average to wear bright, clothes. We call them 'flash' but you're free to stick monochromatic. Just add some flare!"
       I nodded, stunned and intimidated, as my tour kept progressing. Eventually, at the end of the tour, I was met with a replica of my home on Earth, so I went inside and found my bedroom. I began unloading my suitcase, hanging clothes and posters up, and unpacking my albums. I was quite excited to have a new beginning! Mars... I like the sound of that planet. I decided to go outside for a while, breathe the new, thick air. I spotted a small cafe down the road and decided to stop there first.
It was a lovely place, the cafe. Minimalistic, which felt the most "at home" since I got here. I saw a man sitting alone at a table nearby. He was, mind my saying so, gorgeous. A firey red mullet— a big gold circle plastered on his forehead, and a mesh shirt was worn alonsgside high-waisted black jeans, a chain, and silver boots. I could see him being some sort of celebrity and this is what he would have looked like, if my childish fantasies could be correct:

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