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Waking up hooked to IV's wasn't the issue. It was when I sat up to see where I had been. The last thing I could remember was him and here I was. Where was here anyway? This carved out hell, now left unattended wasn't some random occurrence. I had been taken, but by who?

As I pulled the IVs out of my arms I could hear alarms going off. I hurried to break free but no one came. Getting out of the bed became the next issue. By the looks of things I had been their for awhile and with no response to the alarms I guessed the only reason I woke up was the medication had run out. I set myself to stand up and when my feet hit the floor I collapsed. "Fuck," I yelled. After the pain had subsided I noticed a rolling chair. It became my legs until I could muster the strength to walk.

The computer in the room had held the secrets of my time here and I couldn't get in, so I made my way to the door and into something even scarier. The carved out room gave the appearance of a hospital but the outside was bare. Aside from a few chairs in the opposite corner, there was nothing there. Against every fiber of my being I yelled out, "hello," but all I got in response was my echo. An echo then solitude.

As I made my way to the exit I began to think about him and the last few months. I began to think about how real it felt but waking up here proved just how wrong I was and when the door opened I was greeted by the sound of sweet relief. Cars could be heard in the distance and it made me hopeful for contact. "Help," I began to yell. "Help," I said as I reached the street. "Help," I could no longer stand and began to collapse on the side walk. The cars that flew by were coming to a stop and footsteps could be heard in the distance. Darkness took over and the world again would grow silent.


When I woke up again it was in a hospital. The clock ticking on the wall was driving me crazy but just as it started, it would stop. "Hello miss," said a women walking into the room. I quickly turned to see her and several others walking in. They were all dressed in scrubs and lab coats. "My name is Alex and I am your nurse. The few behind me are in training and are hear to observe. Are you ok with that?" I nodded then the nurse continued, "do you know where you are?" I nodded then the nurse continued, "do you know your name?" I took a deep breath, "what day is it?" The nurse began to check the equipment I had been hooked up to, "March 15th, 2023. Can you tell me your name please?" I nodded, "my name is Chloe Stark." One of the trainees chimed in, "like the superheroes?" I nodded, "yes." I looked to the nurse, "ma'am, I woke up in a warehouse this morning hooked up to equipment like this. The paperwork on the table was dated January of 2020. I have been asleep for over 2 years." One of the trainees said, "Sorry to interrupt, but Ms. Stark was declared a missing persons that same year. It was really big on the news for a few weeks but when the Corona virus took over the news... we'll everyone... we'll you know."

I closed my eyes and laid onto my pillow, "I know you're checking to see if I have memory loss. Yes I do have memory loss. I know general things about myself. I know my name because of the paperwork I read but I don't know if I have family. If one of you could help me with that." Alex motioned to the trainee that said I was missing, "you. What is your name?" The trainee stepped forward, "my name is Christine, Christine Palmer." Alex continued, "congratulations Christine Palmer you are going to be in charge of Ms Stark. Now the rest of you are going to get files together, set up an MRI and get local law enforcement here."

The thought of anyone coming in here scared me. I guess Christine saw it written on my face, "Chloe, I will stay with you while they talk to you. You're safe here." I shook my head, "I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn't afraid that the people who took me were coming back." Alex spoke up, "Chloe you're safe here. We have your back." I nodded then the trainees were off. I was left with Christine
who appeared to be shaking, "I won't lie to you miss. I'm a little scared. You coming back was never expected. I was apart of the team that went looking for you and when I thought I failed.... Your parents were notified when they brought you in and won't be here till tomorrow. Chloe," her shaking stopped as she looked to me, "I'm sorry." I smiled to her, "thank you."

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