Chapter: 2

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    "SHUT THE FUCK UP" Tatum yells at her "mom" who was trying to wake her up. Last night she made a bad decision to come here. she doesn't even live here anymore why is she there? I guess the person that takes over her body while she's under the influence likes her parents. But SHE doesn't.

      "GET THE HELL OUT TATUM, YOU ARE NO LONGER WELCOME HERE, I WILL NO LONGER BE YOUR CARETAKER WHEN  YOU ARE HIGH OR DRUNK, OR WHATEVER IT ITS YOU DO" Her mom yells at the top of her lungs. "YOU" Tatum points at her mom. "BE MY CARE TAKER" at this point the 2 are in the doorway of the front door. "YOU HAVENT TAKEN GOOD CARE OF ME FOR THE PAST 20 YEARS" she yells as she slams the door and speed walks to the convenience store by her old home.

She calls up Jadon to come pick her up because she knew Yasmin would be too hungover to do anything, let alone drive.

  As Jadon pulls up next to the 5'1 girl playing with fire truck red butterfly locks he yells "Get the fuck in loser, we're going shopping" Tatum laughs and gets in buckling herself in. She lets out a big sigh that she didn't even know she was holding. "You're safe now, no need to worry" he says comforting her.

As much as Jadon is her best friends boyfriend he is also her therapist friend. He knows how to deal with 99% of the things she goes through. the 2 are close because they pretty much had the same childhood.

  The car ride wasn't that long maybe 15 minutes until the stopped at Tatums apartment complex. She said thank you as she got out and walked to her doorstep seeing a note under her door mat. she curiously looks at it and it says:

' Good morning,
don't worry who this is, just know, 2 can play at that game....don't test me. i'll have you on your knees for me. begging for me. missing me. thinking of me. just know you're mine, mine ONLY.'

Tatum quickly snapped a picture and sent it to Yasmin, and said 'lmfao who did u give my address to? 🤨😭'
she walks in and is greeted by the smell of fresh daisies. Her favorite flower, she always smells like it.

she throws the note in the trash and sees that Yasmin texted her back. the text read:

YAS ❤️
Girl i rly don't know 😭😭


tbh i'm thinking it's Stacy


idk girl he seemed pretty upset last night when he saw u dancing w another guy


YAS ❤️
I'm done with you.


Tatum set her phone down and fell back asleep thinking about Stacy, could it rly be him?  Why does he want her to be his?  What does he like about her?  Why couldn't he just tell her that?

The next day, Tatum is out with Yasmin at a shopping center, looking around for dresses for the boy with messy hair, who she found out his name is Iann and the boy with 6 braids, who she found out was Golden, Song release party.

"Soooo" Yasmin starts a conversation between the two girls looking through the racks of dresses displayed in front of them. "Stacy's gonna be at the party" "That's nice" Tatum shrugged her shoulders ignoring the tingling of butterflies in her stomach by hearing his nickname. "Uh uh" Yasmin shakes her head at the 20 year old girl in front of her. "Tatum Ray Vermont, don't try it, i can read you like a book" "Did you read me like a book when we were at the party?" Tatum protests "yea, i did, i saw you looking at him when we passed by the kitchen, and i saw the easy you looked at him then turned away when you guys made eye contact, or when u we're checking him out." Yasmin confesses clearly winning the argument. "i was not checking him out i was just looking at him" Yasmin again protests. "He's you're eye candy, don't be afraid to admit it, if you like him, go for it. he obviously likes you too" Yasmin says as she grabs a red dress. "OOOOO LOOK AT THIS" she quite literally yells. "ooh that's cute" Tatum says widening her eyes. "Here it's in your size try it on" Yasmin hands the girl the red dress. it was about mid thigh length, a deeeeppp v cut at the neck, with a lace corset and spaghetti straps. 

The second Tatum Stepped into that dress,  she felt sexy, beautiful, any synonym you can think of for gorgeous. Unwillingly her first thought was Stacy ripping it off of her. She wanted him to do it, she needed him to do it. She thought of all the dirty thoughts that would enter his mind the second she saw her in that dress. It was decided.  That was her dress. She didn't care about the price. she bought it anyway.  She walked out of that store more excited than she had ever been.

That evening, Tatum and Yasmin were getting ready for the song release party at Yasmin's house. Tatum made sure to cake her eyelids with dark eye shadow with a hint of red to match the dress and sprayed every part of her body in perfume. At around 9:30 the girls were ready and on their way in an uber.

Once the 2 girls arrive, Yasmin texted Jadon to see where he was. "He said he's with Iann, Stacy, Omar, and Golden, in the living room" Yasmin says dragging the poor girl to the front door.  Tatum takes a hit from her blue razz vape in her hand and walks inside.

The second the 2 girls enter the living room Stacy's eyes are met with the red fabric laying tightly on Tatums body. He tries his hardest to push away anything and everything sinful, but he can't, she looks too good.

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