Chapter 1

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Nezu pov

"So let me get this straight," I asked Luke

After the others filled us in on the arrest, I decided to have a talk with Luke and see how he is.

"You were just minding your own business, getting some snacks for the shift?"

"Yep," he said, popping the p

"You get there, work for a few hours, then suddenly your swarmed by heros?"


"And all of this was cause of a greedy cashier, who wanted to bump his credibility, name and ruin your life?"

"Right on the nose."

"Now, care to fill me in on why he would do this?"

"Really," he said, matter in fact style, then pointed his sharp finger at his face

"Oh, so you believe your appearance is the reason," I asked

"Let me tell you something about society today," he said, staring at me,"they love labeling people."

"Oh, continue please, I would love your insight."

"People label cause it makes them feel good, ego, pride and other shit. If you can control elements, your a hero, automatically. If you can switch things from one spot to another with a flick of a wrist, weak quirk. Now, if you see me, a big hulking 8'0 foot, scaly, sharp tooth and scary looking motherfucker who can wreck your shit in seconds flat, automatic villain."

"The Hero Association try's to encourage heroic value and keep villain viewed quirks in check cause they need publicly and money."

"People need to stop labeling and try to know the person first," he said, then ate some skittles

"I don't doubt that, but how about a proposal?"

"Hmm," he hummed, as the others walked in

"Join the UA hero course," I said

Luke looked at us, the others smiling with hope this young man can have a good life.

"Yeah no, I ain't cut for that," he said

"Ehh," we said

"Buy why," Miruko asked

Luke looks at her with a face that says,'are you blind?' Then points at his face again.

"Look at me, I don't exactly look like a hero. Plus I never liked Pro Heros and cops that much obviously."

This concerned us, as to he hated heros and cops. This was concerning, very much indeed, hopefully we didn't have to resort to All Might.

"Why," Tsukauchi asked

"Your kidding me right," Luke asked, getting angry,"LOOK AT ME! Ever since I was a kid, I never bothered anybody, but because I look like this, it didn't matter if it was normal people on the street or cops and heros, they all thought I was a monster. Even though I never did anything wrong."

"Well..." Miruko said, but was cut off

"I mean come on, the first thing you tried to do when you saw me was try to arrest me. Some of ya even screamed just by looking at me, I don't want to be a hero...I just want some peace and quiet, is that to much to ask for?"

"Luke, may I call you Luke," Ryukyu asked

"Sure," he said

"I know how it feels, how hard it is to convince people that your not a monster. People are scared of what they don't understand, like when I transform. People were sacred of how I transformed and would be terrified, but I won them over by being me. They looked past the form I took and saw what I am, what I wanted to be. A Hero who saves people no matter what."

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