Sometimes the most hurtful things are the thoughts that are left unsaid.
Facing west, I watch the peaceful birds flying in the sky as the wind lets their wings flap as it passes them. How peaceful and free they are. They are just flying around the corner yet they feel the real meaning of a freedom that I wanted to feel too.
The feeling of knowing how to be free without any judgement from the eyes of the people around you. And when did it happen?
When does this crab mentality of people in our society end? Why don't they just let us do what we want to do without any judgement?
It sucks when you can't do what you want. It sucks that you can't wear the clothes that you're comfortable with. It sucks that they judge you based on what they see from you.
Do we still have to be perfect just to be respected?
Do we still need to be beautiful in the eyes of those around us?
The problem is that in our society today, they will immediately judge you even if they don't know what is true. They will immediately talk to your back when you aren't around if you have done something which they do not like.
Nowadays, we no longer know who is really true or not. Sometimes we face people who are just good to us when we are facing them, but the moment we turn back, they will stab your back right away.
It's just so ironic to know that the person you trust the most will be the one to stab you in the back. The pain and betrayal was the painful thing that made you traumatized.
The trauma will leave scars within your soul as it slowly spreads to your inner thoughts, causing you to doubt everything and anything you did. You will come to a point where you will never trust the people around you again. You build thick, high walls in order that no one can ever step into your life and no one can crush you again. And finally, you can say to yourself that.. this is it, this is the right way.
You know what? Setting walls isn't bad. It helps to protect you to be more careful before letting someone enter your life. Someone who deserves to be trusted.