Chapter 2 who the hell are you?!

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They just kept coming there's nothing I can do. I killed 3 biters. One grabbed my arm causing me to let out a scream, which only would attract more. I managed to knock it off and put a knife through its skull before the rest of the heard noticed and started coming toward me. "Shit".

I backed up until I hit a tree. There was no way I was gonna be able to take out all these bastards myself. I turned around and climbed the tree just high enough so they couldn't get me which was about 20 feet off the ground not to mention im scared of heights.

The biters began clawing at the tree and it was clear to me they weren't leaving anytime soon. The groans were just attracting more at this point.

Just then an arrow came flying through the air and hit one of the biters. "What the---....

"Ye take that ye proxy bastard" a raspy voice said cutting me off. I looked down to see a man about 5'10 , dirty dark brown hair, an angel winged vest, and oh yeah the redneck had a crossbow. "Great" I said under my breath starting to crawl out of the tree.

"Do try nothin funny gurl" raising his crossbow.

"I'm not funny so why even try." I said with a smirk.

He groaned and lowered his crossbow. "Who the hell are ye anyway." He spatted.

"Y/N . What's about you?".

"Daryl" he said.

"Ye got a group?"

"No I've been on my own for a while now. If I had to guess probably about 3 months give or take." I said

He groaned again. " come on follow me" he said while biting his thumbnail.

I listened following him through the woods for about 10 to 15mins.
Daryl didn't talk the whole time until we were out of the woods and I seen an old White House and a barn.

"Ye'll have to talk to Rick bout staying". He said leading me up to a group of people standing on the out porch of the house.

"Who is this?" Asked a man in a sheriffs hat.

"Y/N. I found er. A bunch of walkers had her treed like a damn coon." Daryl answered. "Oh and she ain't got a group neither." Daryl nodded to me before walking into the house.

"Im Rick. Rick Grimes." I could tell by the way he carried himself he was a leader.

"Nice to meet you" I said with a smile.

"Are you planning on staying?"

"If you don't mind" I answered

"Course not as long as you do chores and don't try anything stupid". Chores in the apocalypse what is this?!

"I won't. What chores do I have to do?" I asked

"You know just laundry and cooking" he said with a smile

"Haha. You got anything else I ain't too good at that" I asked

"Mm hunting?" He said almost joking

"That sounds good to me. When do I start?" I asked causing him to have a shocked face.

"I was kidding but I mean if you want to go ahead you'll be hunting with Daryl" he said

"Okay. Sounds good, thank you Rick"

"Oh and about sleeping arrangements. There's not that much room in the house and Hershel doesn't want us in there,so. You'll have to share a tent with Daryl" he said

"Are you sure there's nowhere else?" I asked not wanting to be up daryls ass all the time.

"Yes I'm sorry I know it's not the most ideal but it works" he responded.


After dinner I had now known most of the group. I know That Carl is ricks son and Lori is ricks wife. I found her pretty bitchey and annoying. I know Carol is responsible for the laundry and had just lost her daughter. I couldn't imagine the pain she is going through right now. I came to like her. I know Andrea only some because she clings to Shane. Shane is ricks best friend and co leader of the group but I do t trust him. Maggie is Hershel's daughter and so is Beth. Glenn is a Korean boy who helps a lot with the RV since a man named Dale has passed. He is also in love with Maggie.

Once I cleaned my plate I decided it was pretty late so I walked out of the house and down to the tent me and Daryl shared.

The tent was off away from the house as if he preferred being alone. Hate to ruin his party. Haha just kidding.

"Daryl?" I asked before unzipping the tent. Not knowing what the hell he was doing.xD

"What do ye want?" He spatted

"Umm Rick told me we were sharing a tent." I said

He unzipped the tent and I climbed in "great" said loud enough for me to hear.

"I was thinking the same thing" I said rolling my eyes.

"You can have this sleeping bag" he said pointing to the only one in the tent. "I'll get one tomorrow" he said. Before lying back on the hard ground.

"I can't Daryl that's yours" I said feeling bad about taking the only sleeping bag.

"Damn it women jus take it" he said.

I kept trying to write him to take it but he just wouldn't listen so finally I just gave in.

I climbed into the sleeping bag while Daryl flipped on his side facing away from me. We were only inches apart but I could feel his shivering.

"Daryl?" I asked softly

He groaned

"You're freezing"

"I'm fine"

"You're shivering. This sleeping bag is huge just lay in here with me." I said

He turned to face me before giving in ,unzipping the bag ,and sliding in next to me.

I could now feel his cold body start to heat up. "Better, crabass?" He groaned and before I knew it he was out cold snoring. I looked over to see him facing me with a smile on his face. And God was he beautiful. No stop. What am I thinking?!?

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