34: Heladottir.

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Spring turned to summer and the school year was disappearing faster

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Spring turned to summer and the school year was disappearing faster. Josette's days included of lectures and practicing spells with Harry after dinner.

Most of the time they would go back home after practice so, Harry could fill up the lost 12 years with James and Josette with Sirius.

Harry has been quite stressed for the past few days and when Josette asks why? He would answer because of the last task. But Josette knew it was something else. James told her, how 2-3 times Harry woke up in the middle of the night, panting. Maybe he was having nightmares but Harry didn't tell him about it.

As the end of the year drew nearer, so did the third task. Which is why the champions stood staring at a maze made of hedges with their professors, and Ludo Bagman.

"We simply have to get through a maze?" said Fleur.

"There will be obstacles, you will have to get through spells and creatures. Now, the champions who are leading on points will go into the maze in that order. First Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter, then Mr. Krum and last Miss Delacour." Ludo explained. "Any other questions?"

His question was answered with silence. "Alright then, it is getting a little chilly. We can head back to the castle."

Everyone started walking back to the Castle, Harry and Josette walking side by side. "Will dad come to watch the last task??" Harry asked when the were a further away from others.

"No. It's the last task, many people and ministry officials will be there. It's too much risk." Josette answered and Harry's face fell. "Don't worry Lily will be there and we will go home soon after the task, to tell them that you won the tournament." She encouraged him.

"I'm not sure if I'll win. The others are more capable than me." He shrugged.

"Just don't let the 'Lilyness' in you come out, then you will do great." She advised.

"Lilyness??" Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"To always help others, like you did with Fleur's sister. I was there, underwater, I would have saved her even if you didn't." Josette explained.

"You're the one who attacked the Grindylows??" She nodded "Isn't that cheating??"

"Nope. The ministry had there people underwater in case of emergency. They don't want any more deaths in the tournament or it will have to be stopped again." Harry made a 'o' with his mouth. "But you helped her and I guess that's what make you, you."

"You would have done the same, it's just not me."

Josette laughed "I'm Slytherin for a reason Harry, I'm selfish."

"I don't th-" he stopped in tracks seeing Bartemius Crouch lying on the ground.

"Merlin!!" Josette crouched down checking for his pulse. "He's dead. Harry, get others." She instructed. Harry ran away shouting for help.

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