59: Remember my Promise??

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Amy was shaking in fear as she stood in front of the dark lord

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Amy was shaking in fear as she stood in front of the dark lord. Lucius, Narcissa and Bellatrix were also present in the room.

"Send a word to Severus. Tell him to run to Heladottir and tell her if she wants to see this little bird alive, meet me in Triora." Voldemort order.

Lucius nodded and walked out of the room.

"We are not really going to give her away, are we?? I would love to break this mudblood." Bellatrix asked with a stupid grin on her face.

"We are."

"I don't understand. Why??" She asked. It's unlikely for him to keep his word if it involves sparing a muggleborn's life.

"I've heard Severus has grown quite attached to this girl. If anything happens to her, we loose him." Voldemort replied.

"She's a mudblood. He shouldn't care for her." She hissed.

"But he does. Just like you all. You reek of love and emotions."

"I don't-"

"What happens if I kill your sister?? Will you still be loyal to me??" He turned his eyes from Amy to her.

Bellatrix took some time to answer "I will."

This answer really shocked Narcissa but she didn't say anything just stood there quietly.

"But not as willing as you do now." Voldemort said. "Malfoy, Crabe, Goyle, Nott, Vanes for their children. Carrow and Lestrange siblings for each other. Everyone has a weakness. I hit it and I loose everyone but that doesn't mean I won't use it at all. You disappoint me and pay the price. So, no you won't touch this girl." He said in a stern voice.

"Yes my lord." Bellatrix nodded.

Amy had no idea what he was talking about or what is going to happen to her. But she knows this is the man who killed her parents. She was living with his uncle far away from England when some people entered their house wearing the same mask as those who broke into their house that night. She has no idea what happened to her uncle. But next day when she woke up she was hear in this huge mansion.

"Narcissa take her with you to Malfoy Manor and make sure no one knows about it especially Severus." He ordered.

"Yes." Narcissa replied and took Amy's hand.

Amy was not sure if she can trust her but anywhere is safe than standing in front of Voldemort. So she quietly walked out.


It's been four months since Avery and Nott were put into Azkaban and a lot has been happened since then from Josette taking over the order to the ministry agreeing on giving Sirius a fair trail for the crimes he is accused of.

Josette went to the Ministry of Magic and told Fudge about the order, not everything but what's important. He agreed on providing them with skilled wizards and Aurors to accompany them on missions and increased the security of the Department of Mysteries. They even caught three groups of death eaters creating havoc in small muggle villages in past 4 months.

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