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man OH MY BOD GELP WANYED SIGN!! mr john can we pleade workher??

ok says john chidsey as he handed them subway uniform

baut be careful.... it's black fridsy so SUBSAY DEALS!!!! says JOHN
oh ym god says the members of tally hall there is already a line outside!!!!

haha money says john as he disappeared..

what the fuck says joe hawley we gonna makwpe sabewitch.. ok says the REST OF TALLY HALL MEMBERS as they go to the door to unlock it at black friday when there is subway DEALS

customers storm into the doors and creates a singke file line THAT GOES ACROSS THR STREET!! woah says zubin we gotta make a sandwich!!

the first lady in line orders two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda but they dont know how to cook sandwich!! what will they do

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