pt 1 live shame,death Atonment

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This Is a story of me Krieger a kriegsman I got the name from my parents but... They're on a different planet in a different solar system and um I'm not from Krieg by birth but it doesn't matter now I know you want the story of my rise to glory and it will happen but it's a gradual process from pain to love to endless war as all things are it is not my fault for my ways but it definitely,

THEIRS this is my story and it will be hard to get through but it's better than nothing

I admired those I thought was friends turns out it was not a good idea but it is a good learning curve to never trust those who seem trustful again and to never trust emotions as they are a cause of suffering and let fury guide me to what Ive want to achieve....

Meeting our one true god... The Emperor him self I always want to see that man or god or whatever but that dream will never happen for if there is no one to tell my story then what is the point of life if you can't have glory in the emperor as for all the emperor protects, the emperor is a being older than me for everything has a purpose,

I found a book that said "read me" and I found out that our emperor is as old as time it's self and these orks are created not bred created they are a fungus type being but if I came out with this information the astartes would kill me for heresy and burn my body in a righteous fire.

The only problem is that chaos is the same way always looking for glory SLAUGHTERING ENTIRE PLANETS just for their cults to live and loyal servants to the emperor converted.

It is a shame but I must move onto the one problem tactics I know people love dying in trench warfare it's a glorious end for a worthless number it is what it's all about dying for our emperor and making life just to die in the very same way.

Peace on our shoulders as we die the glorious end of fighting those chaos scum the Astartes are admirable in a non human way well augmented human but still I aspire to be like them fearless upon death but right now nothing is happening and the men all around me are getting restless.

Even me I hate not being in battle I have to play word Games or... Talk to the guardsmen that are stationed here but they are weak minded fools and should not be in battle for they have fear but they are smart I'll give them that but intelligence could've been used as a comimisar or something else like they could've been shipped to Mars and turned into mechanicus but no here they are.

Nothing to show for being annoying little guardsmen pests they are all inferior to the might of krieg and they would get slaughtered on our planet with radiation Rampent from the exsterminatus that was dropped Milena ago but its all good we don't need to take our masks off because we are supposed to keep them on in case a gas attack happens and plus it's an extra face to us kriegsman.

We are taught from birth that our uniform isn't for show and should be worn with pride plus right now it's snowing on this planet I hear the satisfying crunch.

Under my boots when I walk to a new position or relay a message to the Comimisar
Plus it gets my legs moving but the fun part is when the enemy charges our trench and we just lay into them with lasgun fire hahaha oh the fun times they are. Ahem well sometimes we think.. What would peace be like? Would it be like no war or endless war I don't think it's either for me .

peace is death of fighting a war for the emperor and he guides the soul to a new place as for those who have died in battle well I do not know a

Kriegsman that didn't want to die on the battle field for reasons unknown it was good for him as he died I felt like he was smiling under his helmet and mask before he went limp I was thinking of my life..

Up until then I am happy to die in battle but I'm taking with me a bunch of heretics and scum to the imperium as a great push will happen on Thursday and I will be stationed on a new planet that has recently been discovered...

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