XI. boy baby blue

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baby you're so blue / baby boy flesh and teeth split into half / like your molars are running out of time / i don't want to see your blood running down the sink / so i ask you to spit it out in front of me / your two toned hair falling into your eyes / you can't see me with your  eyes half blind / pretty face / i think i'm in love with you / with the scar running down the bridge of your nose / pretty / vicious / you look so pretty when your world is falling apart / so let me be part of that world too / baby / you big blue beautiful baby / carving my eyeballs out of their sockets / pulling your hand out of the hot stove / molding my skin from cookie cutters / creating a new  monster / creating something scary to haunt yourself at night / pulling my tonsils through my teeth / you hate me / and i want you even more / baby i want to see you crawling out of your skin / i want to see you alive / want to see you dead / so you can stop looking at me like you hate me / so i can look at you for the first time / and not feel fear / i want to see blue blood / and baby boy flesh

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