~ The Citadel ~

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In the Agrabah marketplace, a few citizens are running from a large, winged creature, which is chasing them. We see a fruit cart. One of the pears on top floats up into the air, floats past a few other carts and through an arch, where, from the shadows, a gloved hand plucks it from the air. Finally, we see the owner of the glove - a smartly dressed young man. This is the sorcerer Mozenrath. His pet, a flying eel, Xerxes, floats by his shoulder.

"Cowards, Xerxes. All of them." he said.

Xerxes chuckles and nods; Mozenrath takes a bite of the pear. Meanwhile, the creature smashes through a stack of pots and lands on the roof of a building. It turns its head and we see three palace guards, led by Razoul, run up.

"Oooh ... it is so ugly!" Fazal said.

"When we are through, he will be uglier still!" Razoul declared.

They draw their swords. The creature flies off the building and lands in front of them. The second guard goes forward, but the creature knocks his sword out of his hand with his wing. The first guard goes forward, but the creature snatches his sword and breaks it in two with his jaws.

"It is inhuman!" Hakim exclaimed in horror.

"And I am his match!"

Razoul brandishes his sword at the creature, but it knocks the sword out of his hand. Mozenrath Xerxes again are watching from a distance, with Xerxes eyeing the pear Mozenrath has in his hand. He licks his lips and takes a snap at it, but Mozenrath moves his hand and he misses.

"This one has the muscle ..."

Unfortunately, the creature wails at Razoul and he cowers in fright.


"Pathetic." Mozenrath sighed in disappointment.

Xerxes another snap at the pear, but Mozenrath throws it away. The creature is advancing on Razoul when some fruits hits the creature. They look at the person who threw them to reveal Y/N.

"Leave him alone!"

She brings out her sword and starts swinging at the creature, defending Razoul. It growls at her and tries to swipe her off when she ducks from the attack and kicks it in the chin. She manages to give that creature scratches on the leg twice, causing it to screech in pain.

"Impressive. Very brave of her." Mozenrath said in admiration, watching her fight that creature.

Aladdin then swoops down on Carpet and grabs him by the belt. The creature sees that and begins to flap its wings. Y/N glares and climbs up the building to catch up to that creature. Razoul is not particularly happy about being rescued by Aladdin.

"I was just about to help Y/N and get the drop on the creature, street rat!"

"Drop away, Razoul."

He lets go as Razoul falls into a hay cart. Aladdin swoops down again.

"Now these two shows flair ..." Mozenrath said.

The creature swoops at Aladdin. He ducks. The creature wheels around for another try, but Aladdin stops Carpet just in time.


He turns and flies back the other way.

"Faster, Carpet!"

The creature was about to catch up when Y/N is now on top of the building and jumps on the creature. She begins riding the creature like a wild bull. Aladdin looks back and was in shock.

"Sis!! Are you crazy?!"

"Just keep it distracted!"


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