When the world was overrun by Meteors from an unknown origin, everyone feared the end. People who got hit bij them fell in coma's and gained superpowers, they were named as Starlings. The animals turned into monsters known as muliorg's, they feast o...
Let's meet the Orion squad. They are the strongest of all the Starlings. these 11 teenagers are from different nationalities from all over the world. After all that happend to them, the only people they can count on were each other. On board the Kosmo, their battleship ↑, they go on adventures to protect the humans from Muliorgs, or Mutant life organisms.
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But on to the happy things. here is an short introduction of the Orion squad.
Captain Altalune Roza
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Function: Captain of the Orion squad
Age: 18 years
Nationaltie: Spanish
Starling abilitie: All kind of mind controle
Starling sign: Hands (Black)
Levi Williams
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