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After Jennifer managed to finally separate (y/n) and Forager she lead him towards her room. "We can't have you corrupting that poor little bug" she spoke as she held her boyfriends hand.

"I wasn't! I was just showing him around" (y/n) replied as he shook his head.

"You told him the TV is magic and that phones were given to us by the Gods" Jade replied not sounding amused with the boys antics.

"Okay so I may have taken a few creative liberties with my explanations" (y/n) shrugged as they arrived at Jades room.

Jennifer just rolled her eyes before pulling her boyfriend through the door and into her room. "Take that mask off" she spoke as she put a hand on the boys face. "That way I can kiss you" she smiled before removing her hand and sitting on her bed.

(Y/n) began process to take off his mask. "I really need a more efficient way of doing this" he spoke as he sprayed the mask. He then pulled it off before putting the can and mask back in his coat pocket. He then took off the coat and threw it onto a nearby chair.

"You definitely do" Jennifer replied before standing up so that she was right in front of her boyfriend again. "You look cool with the mask and all but I prefer you like this" she spoke before standing once more on the tips of her toes and kissing the boy.

(Y/n) wrapped his arms around the girls waste and held her up higher so that she didn't didn't need to stand uncomfortably. "You're really light" the boy spoke through the kissing.

"Mhm" the girl smiled as she wrapped her arms behind the boys neck. "One hundred and twenty three pounds (56kg)" (I find it really funny that her wiki page includes her weight. Hence this sentence. I don't know why I find it so funny)

They broke the kiss a moment later. "I kinda like being carried" Jennifer spoke as she looked down at where the boys arms were wrapped around her.

"It's not uncomfortable like this?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"Hm?" She quickly looked back at him. "Oh! Yeah, the way you're doing it is definitely a bit uncomfortable. Can definitely tell you've never held anyone before. If I were a baby I'd be crying right now"

"If you were a baby I'd be in prison for pedophilia" (y/n) replied. "Let's not talk about infants after making out, alright?"

"Alright" Jenn nodded with a small laugh. "Point is you need to hold me more comfortably"

"Well how should I go about that then?" (Y/n) asked mockingly. "Should I hold you like a child? Should I hold you like a bride on a wedding day?"

"I thought you said no children talk after making out" Jenn asked as she crossed her arms.

"I meant right after making out. It's been a sufficient amount of time" (y/n) replied with a shrug.

"Bullshit" Jennifer shook her head. "Whatever. Just hold me like you would a kid. The same principles apply no matter what age the person being held is"

"Alright" (y/n) shrugged. "I guess you're short enough that this may work" Jennifer huffed before hitting the boy in the shoulder. She then returned her arms to where they had been wrapped around the boy.

(Y/n) repositioned Jennifer so her head was against his chest. He moved one arm under her butt in order to hold her up while the other was wrapped around her back.

"Ooh. I can hear your heartbeat" the girl smiled and wrapped her legs around the boys waist. "I'd prefer if you didn't touch my butt though"

"Look we can either do this the way we were originally doing it or like this. I'm getting tired of holding you anyways and I'm not learning any other ways to hold you today" (y/n) spoke as he rolled his eyes.

"Fine, fine. You can touch my butt if it means that much to you" Jenn shrugged and leaned up to kiss the man briefly. "This is really comfy actually. I can see why babies like this" she snuggled into the boy. "Your heartbeat is very relaxing to listen to"

"Yeah... this is weird" (y/n) whispered to himself as he moved his hand that was on her back up and played with Jenn's hair. "Very weird"

"Well you aren't getting me off of you!" Jenn turned to face the boy and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Is that a challenge?" (Y/n) asked with a smirk.

"Sure" Jennifer shrugged. "Why not?"

"Alright just remember you asked for this" (y/n) replied. He let go of her hair and let that hand fall to his side. He then squeezed Jennifer's butt causing her to yelp in surprise and fall backwards onto her bed. (Y/n) laughed as he watched the girls hair cover her face.

"I'm going to kill you" Jennifer said in a serious tone as she wiped the hair from her face. "My tushie is not something for you to squeeze. Got it?" She glared at the boy causing him to only laugh louder. "Stop laughing!"

"Sorry" the boy spoke before laughing again. "When you glare it's like watching a little puppy trying to act intimidating" he finally stopped laughing but his smile remained. "You are fucking adorable"

Jenn's glare turned into a blush and she looked away. "Just shut up and lay down in this bed with me" she sighed. The boy shrugged before laying beside her. She quickly snuggled up to the boy. "Now shut your pretty face so I can fall asleep" she mumbled and in a moment she was already asleep.

Word count: 966

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