The wonders of the world

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As Rengoku carry's you on his shoulders, You rest your head on his shoulder your hair blowing in the wind, He smiles holding you close, You close your eyes feeling a warmth and a peaceful sensation, You end up falling asleep on his shoulder, You wake up about an hour later you laying down in his arms, Your head on his chest his arms wrapped around you, his head rested on yours, You blush and look ahead of you and see a beautiful sight, You see a beautiful green forest with a river gliding trough the forest, The sun set colors lighting up the forest and the river, You look and Rengoku, And smile his face so peaceful, You put your hand on his cheek and look at his lips, You shake your head blushing brightly

"What am I doing?!" Yelling at yourself in your head, You look back at him his eyes now open looking into yours, He smiles and pulls you closer, You can't help but smile back, Butterfly's filling your stomach, He looks you in the eyes and kisses your forehead, You blush brightly and hide your face in your sleeves, He laughs and looks out to the amazing view, You lay your head on his chest, Closing your eyes, You feel a warmth on your lips, and open your eyes in shock you Turing bright red, Rengoku's eyes closed, His soft lips on yours, you close your eyes and wrap your hands around him, He puts his hands on your waist, then pulls the kiss away and smiles at you, You open your eyes and look up into his eyes,

his cheeks a pink color, "S-sorry I couldn't help myself" he laughs awkwardly, You giggle and kiss his cheek getting up, "It's okay! I-I enjoyed it-" you cover your mouth, He blushes and looks up at your with a shocked look, You look away at the sunset is slowly setting the sky Turing darker, he stands up and puts his arm around you, "We should get going it's getting late!" He smiles brightly, You hold his hand and begin to walk down the old wooden stairs to the gravel path, He blushes and holds your hand tightly, smiling, You both walk down the gravel path, you end up back at your house,

And look up at him, He smiles at you and kisses you on the cheek, The warmth on your cheek making you feel at peace, "Be safe Y/N" he says with a worried voice, "I will, don't worry" You kiss his hand and walk off to your window, You look at the reflection in the window at him, He was standing still his face completely red, He grows a very big smile and turns away, almost skipping away, You climb into your window and take your shoes away closing your window slowly and quietly, You light a candle and flop on your bed looking at the ceiling, You all the sudden hear your window shoot open and a breeze come in, You sit up and look a man in the eyes, "Shh!" The man puts a finger to your mouth. You look up at him then your door swings open.

Rengoku x Tengen x reader Where stories live. Discover now