If you want to make people around you happy , you have to find your own happiness first . Being selfish isn't always a bad thing . Try to only think about your happiness when you're too stressful.
It's okay to do thatQuote from K-drama it's okay to not be okay
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Elysian's world
Romanceإبتسم ، لتزداد أناقتك و تتضح ملامحك الجميلة Vivir por la esperanza de todo . ♡ Dum spiro , spero .
It's okay to not be okay
If you want to make people around you happy , you have to find your own happiness first . Being selfish isn't always a bad thing . Try to only think about your happiness when you're too stressful.
It's okay to do thatQuote from K-drama it's okay to not be okay