Perfect 💜💜

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I wish to have a perfect everything with you, the perfect friendship everyone talks about the perfect memories we can't describe ourselves, a perfect place where we go to escape this world,  the perfect moment when each other is all we know,  the perfect words we use to describe our friendship.
I don't want to attain a degree of perfection with you because we are imperfect ourselves even though everything about you is so perfect to me. I want us to be imperfect so that we are realistic enough to survive through any difficult times life throws at us.
Since, deep down in my heart, you will always be the most perfect thing that I have ever seen.
You make me believe in some nonexistent theory of perfection,  that some souls are made of stars aligned with such elegance that there is not a single flaw in the making. And this is what's make me wonder if a perfect friendship is all I want?  Or I have fallen so deeply in love already than I'm unable to see the truth?


Elysian's world  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن