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- "you're the one who fits the killer's profile"
- "I'm not complaining, I'm even excited to do it", I said taking one of my knives out
- "no knives", said Hotch looking directly at me.
- "that's no fun", I said putting the knife back.
- "are you sure we should risk someone from the team, there's a high chance this will go wrong and-", Spencer started rambling.
- "hey, don't worry, pretty boy, she knows how to take care of herself", said Derek.
- "and I have the perfect dress for you, and it's perfect to kick ass too", said Emily smiling
- "show me"

We went to her house. We as in Emily, JJ, Penelope and me.

- "it's beautiful", said JJ admiring the dress
- "ok, I'll go put it on, thanks Emily", i said grabbing the dress and walking to the bathroom.

I put the dress on and walked out of the bathroom.
- "goddamn, it's perfect for you", said Emily. That made me blush a little
- "let's not get distracted, we have work to do"
- "I know someone who is going to get distracted", said JJ teasing me.
- "who?", Asked Penelope innocently
- "a certain doctor, sorry, bartender for today", said JJ smiling.
- "y/n and Spence?!", Said Penelope and Emily at the same time.
- "y/n and Spence?!", I said mocking them. "Shut it, there's nothing there, specially on the other side, now let's get going".

I actually thought he was cute, but come on, his a freaking genius, why would he like to be with me.

- " wow baby girl, looking hot", said Derek when I entered the van. The van was parked behind the building, with all the equipment to hear everything from a microphone that was between my bra, and the cameras that were inside the building.

- "thanks, I just need one of those things you put in your ears", I said smiling because I had no idea what they're call.
- "here", he said giving me one
- "thanks", I put it in and got out of the van.

The doors opened and I got inside. My mission was to flirt with the millionaire who was suspect for the murders of at least 5 women. And get him to try something on me.

There was a lot of people there, all of them seemed pretty... Boring.
I walked to the bar and started to look for our unsub.

- "would you like anything to drink?", Said a voice from the bar. I turned around, it was Spencer, he looked so hot. He had a blue button shirt, the sleeves rolled up a little, his hair was messy and the last button of his shirt was unbuttoned.

- "there are so many options", I said lying, obviously I couldn't drink right now. I actually didn't like drinking.

- "you can ask anything, darling, I'll pay for it", said a voice from behind me. He slide his hand across my back, I turned around.

- "hi", I said softly. "And you are?"
- "so rude of me, I'm Thomas", he said grabbing my hand and kissing it. I smiled. "And you, pretty thing?"
*Thing? Of course he just said that*, i thought.
- "I'm Diana".
- "Diana... Would you like to dance with me?"

He didn't even let me finish, he pulled me into the dancefloor and we started dancing salsa. He was a great dancer, such a pity he was a serial killer.

I could feel a lot of people staring at us. Spencer was one of them. Of course, he was there to protect me, but his eyes looked like he was mad at the guy. Thomas was very touchy after all.

We finished dancing and walked to the bar again.

- "so, now that I showed you my moves on the dancefloor, I can show you other moves", he said kissing my hand.
- "I would love that", I said taking a shot from the bar finishing it in seconds, I grabbed his tie and pulled him in a kiss.

- "you know, we should take this upstairs, for more privacy", he winked at me.
- "why not", I said smiling and following him.

*Spencer's pov*
Y/n took a shot from the bar and drank it in seconds, I never saw her drink alcohol.

I wanted to interrupt everything and just punch the guy in the face, but we needed more evidence to lock him up.

They started kissing right there, I was so disgusted, I had to look away. Then they started to walk away from the bar.

- "guys, what do we do now?"
- "let her, if she really needs help she'll tell us", said Hotch.

*Y/n's pov*
We entered the room. There were other two guys inside.

- "Diana, meet my friends, Steve and Carl"
- "I thought we were going to get privacy", I said trying to sound innocent.
- "oh, don't worry, darling. We will". He said closing the door.

- "shouldn't we intervene now?", Said Derek to Hotch.
- "wait". Hotch knew the potential you had, so he let you have a little fun before actually arresting the unsubs.

- "now, what a shitty ass English accent, just because you say "darling" doesn't mean you can not put effort into the rest of the words", I said looking at Thomas.
- "what the fuck do you think you are", he said walking towards me.
- "men, this is going to be too easy".

*Spencer's pov*
There were a lot of screams coming from our intercoms. I was more and more worried by the second. But it got worse when we heard a gunshot.

All of the people at the building started to walk out of there. Everyone scared.
The team entered through the back door and we ran to the room. Kicking the door when we got there.

The three unsubs were on the floor. Y/n standing in front of them, breathing heavily.

She turned around and we noticed a cut on her left cheek. And a bloody knife on her right hand.

*Y/n's pov*

- "one of them had a gun, but they're all alive, sadly", I said walking towards the exit.

I got to the bar, dipped my knife in a random cup that was there, shook it a little and cleaned it with a napkin.

- "are you okay?", Said a voice from behind me.
- "we catch the guys, I'm more than okay", I said smiling softly.
- "does it hurt?", He said pointing at my cheek.
- "it burns a little"

He walked behind the bar and got a first aid kit. Got a few things out and started to clean my wound.

-"auch", I said backing my head.
- " sorry"
- "it's ok, you can continue", I said putting my face closer to him.

I got distracted looking into his eyes. They are so beautiful, and the fact that he was focused doing something made them even more mesmerizing.

- "want a drink?"
- "I don't drink"
- "but you had a shot before kissing the unsub"
- "hey, I needed a little push, ok?", I said laughing.
- "and how many drinks would you need to kiss me then?", He asked getting closer to my face"
- "let me show you", I said grabbing a cup that only had water, drinking it, and pulling him from his shirt.

After we pulled away he had a confused look on his face.
- "I didn't taste any alcohol in your mouth. That sounded weird, what I meant was-"
- "this is water", I said lifting the cup in front of him. "There is your answer, 0 shots". I said smiling and kissing him again.

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