Chapter 3

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As we burst out of the main doors of the school I couldn't stop relieved and glee filled laughter bursting out of me. The look on Jake's face had just been too priceless. Jen gave me a sidelong look and a half smile " Careful there sis, you're a bit too ecstatic about our parents being in a coma" she glanced over my shoulder subtly  " and principle socks-with-sandels over there can see you from his window, along with Mr I-got-assaulted ." I  immediately turned my laughter into sobs and leaned on Jenny for support. Finally we reached her car, after staring at each other for a second this time both our giggling laughter filled the air.

"This is what I love about you Jen, you bring out the crazy in me" I wheezed, she shook her head at me and grinned

"Ditto and you are SO lucky I picked up the phone instead of mom and dad!" I nodded in agreement.

"Where are our dear parents? Their not actually in a coma are they?!" I asked slightly franctically.

What? Don't look at me like that! Karma can be a bitch!

She rolled her eyes " No dude chill, I just got that idea after seeing that poster about getting the right amount of sleep outside the nurse's office' I sighed in relief and made myself comfortable in the car. Only to find Jen looking expectantly at me, I stared back at her blankly until she raised an eyebrow at me. "Did you really think I wouldn't ask WHY you assaulted that poor boy?" I scoffed before I could stop myself,

 "That poor boy got my ass kicked off the washington trip!" Her outraged gasp filled the air and despite myself I smiled, I seriously loved my sister sometimes.

"That bastard! what did he do?" Instead of replying I got my phone out and showed her the picture I'd forced Jake to remove from facebook. She contemplated it silently for a moment then "The people at your school are all little bitches and can burn in hell"I laughed out loud at this, my sister was an actress-in-training at university and therefore tended to get a bit dramatic about things ( ahem. this was a trait that ran in the family).

Suddenly her lips stretched into a conspirital smile. I twitched suspicously, this was the look she used to get before she would cut the hair of my beloved though slightly deformed barbies ( they may have fallen have the roof one or two...or 10 times). She ignored my paranoia and started the car " Don't you worry Al, don't you worry at all." I upped the ante of my piercing suspicious gaze as my sister put 'Secret' by the pierces on. "Cause two can't keep a secret unless one of them is dead" she sang along with the creepy smile and I shook my head at her. One thing was for sure, Jen's visits were never boring. 

We spent the rest of the day bonding in the sisterly way we do by watching re-runs of pretty little liars and shouting things at the characters.

"Don't trust him Spencer! He's gonna break your heart and join A and just be totally uncool about everything!" I shouted while putting another spoon of Ben and Jerry's in my mouth. Jen rolled her eyes,

"Yah but that's all to protect her and plus his tears are so adorable that they end up getting back together,"  she wiggled her eyebrows "In more ways than one."

I made a sound of  disgust and shook my head "Wren was there for her during everything and she still stays with Toby? No 'effin way!"

My sister narowed her eyes "Spoby."

I slitted my eyes as well "Wrencer."

"Spoby for-ev-er."

"Wrencer forever times in-fin-it-y ."



We were both in each other's faces with spit flying from our mouths by the end. Ah the joys of sisterly bonding.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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