Chapter 1

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“Oh crap. I’m screwed, I am so so screwed” was the thought that came to mind when Andrew Hewitt said the three words to me.

Now you’re probably thinking “THE” three words would be something amazingly cliché like “I love you right”? For any other girl they would have been.

Unfortunately though I was not any other girl, I was me, and since the universe hates me, MY three words were

“ Go to hell”.  

I sighed , exasperated  “ It’s NOT TRUE Andy!” I almost shouted at him, He shrugged with a do-you-really-think-I’m-that-stupid expression “unh huh. Yeah. Sure, and its Andrew to you”

I ground my teeth, I was so going to kill Jake Taylors for doing this, then I’d kill idiots like Andy, oh sorry I mean ANDREW, from believing this shit about a girl they’ve known since freshman year, THEN I’d kill the sadistic teachers at my high school who ENJOY this drama (yep I do see you Mrs Mathews, staring at us the corner with your bag of chocolate raisins) and lastly I’d kill people who hate Hershey’s chocolate, I mean seriously did you get your good taste senses surgically removed at birth or something?!

 So yeah, it was that time of the month.

“You can’t DO this to me Andy, I mean Andrew!” I corrected when he threw a glare my way. This elicits another uncaring shrug from him “Your position’s already been filled Rebecca, Mariana Golding will now be joining me and the rest of the team in Washington. I thought it was only fitting since her last article was loved by everyone in school” Because of me, and stupid Jake Taylors posting a picture of me buying a pregnancy test on Facebook I wanted to add, but didn’t. It wasn’t for me in case you were wondering,

it was for my best friend (just a false alarm thank god), but no one else bothered to ask me about this. It didn’t help that I’d been wearing my short short pyjamas and a skimpy tank top, ( I’d rushed out straight after she called me in tears) or that there was a huge STD poster stuck behind me in the picture. 

You have to have a squeeky clean reputation to go on prestigious trips like Washington at my school, the reason why Andrew was kicking me out. “Guess you’ll have to find something else to do this summer, I’m sure you can think of SOMETHING” he sneered and I caught the implication behind his words.

His parting dig snapped the thin line of self control I’d  kept to stop myself from shoving the hole puncher where the sun don’t shine. I’d had more than enough comments directed at me today and I’d be damned If I let this smarmy excuse for a school newspaper editor issue another one after ruining my summer. I stalked towards him and, without another word, emptied his bottle of fruit punch on his head. Then, doing what I’ve been wanting to do since the start of this year, grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the pathetic rat’s tail he called a pony tail off. Very Hollywood of me I know, I even heard a gasp from Mrs Mathews’ viewing corner, but I’d just had enough.

He sputtered, at a loss for words and haze of rage and panic crossed his face as he realised what I’d done “ You…you…bitch” . Cue another gasp from the audience corner , I was more than sure this was going to end up on YouTube before tomorrow. “Takes one to know one Andy, besides you were Mariana’s bitch long before me, so off course it would be only fitting she went to Washington with you” I replied, using his words against him. It was a low blow I know but I just couldn’t digest the fact that despite working my butt of this whole year to get into the elite school reporter team, I wasn’t going because of ONE frigging untruth floating around about me. Plus Andrew totally had a thing for Mariana and let her get away with murder most of the time. He didn’t deign to reply to me and was still sputtering, that pony tail was his new signature fashion statement this year, after SOMEBODY admitted she liked guys with long hair. I smirked bitterly, lets see how she likes you now asshole.

I spun on my heel and walked away resignedly. “ There goes my first real chance at being a reporter” I though resentfully. I huffed and power walked through the empty halls towards the cafeteria.  I had another, MUCH BIGGER, prick to deal with now. Jake Taylors, you are so dead.

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