Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Is everything okay? That's my mom's recipe by the way, I thought I did okay recreating it but you can be honest. I won't tell her if you didn't like it."

Emery snaps up to meet Dane's teasing gaze as she swallows the piece of carrot dipped in ranch. She'd only taken 3 of the succulent, slow cooked wings from the big plate in front of them. It's not because they're not delicious because they definitely are and beat any she's had hands down. It's just that she's stress undereating.

"No, no they're great. I love them. I'm just not very hungry is all," she reassures him.

It's totally sweet of him to cook her dinner. The slow cooker wings, waffle fries and veg with ranch are simple enough to make but it still requires some effort and planning. He'd asked his cook to prepare one less meal in the week so he could be the one to make this one himself. Just looking at him and his mannerisms, Emery often forgets how different they are in terms of class. He's not just middle class. He's the silver spoon type of class. The type to have a cook employed and a maid. Perhaps because of that, she's shocked he would go through the effort of cooking for her. And well at that.

"Yeah?" he questions with concern, getting up seeing as she's also now finished, "everything okay?"
She gets up too to help him clear up.
"Mhmm," she grumbles, "it's silly really. Not a big deal. I don't know why I'm obsessing over it. I'll be over it soon don't worry."
He nudges her shoulder with his and looks at her while stating, "it's not silly. Tell me what's up, baby."
"I'm always so organised especially when it's the first day of the semester. Except this time, obviously! I forgot my English Lit paper. I did it and everything. I can't believe I forgot to pack it. I'm such a dumbass. God."
"Woah, Em. Don't call yourself names like that, especially not in that tone. You are organised and you are smart but you're also allowed to make mistakes. If you've even gone this long without ever forgetting homework never mind forgetting to do it, that's incredible. It's going to be okay Honey Bee. I'm sure this is not going to affect your marks or anything."

Emery leans against the counter opposite Dane, watching his back as he loads the dishwasher. He's right. It's not rational for her to get so worked up about this. But it still bothers her to think that she's becoming careless and unfocused.

"I know. Mr. Grant is being nice and letting me hand in tomorrow but it just...I don't know maybe something he said is just bothering me."

When Dane faces her, he has a look of contained anger. Not directed at her, she knows but from her bringing up Mr. Grant. Dane definitely has an issue with the guy and it's obviously reciprocated which is why Emery doesn't like bringing the other up to each of them. Still, it's inevitable right now.

"That fucking guy," he mutters.
"I know you don't like him for whatever reason and he doesn't really like you either weirdly enough," she says, pressing her palms against his chest soothingly.
"It's because he clearly has a thing for you. Which is creepy and gross. He's a fucking teacher and even if you're 18 now who knows when he started to have his...crush."

Although he doesn't mean it to, Dane's theory makes her laugh. Mr. Grant definitely does not have a crush on her. No. He sees her more as a golden child or something. Maybe he even sees a lot of him in her which is maybe why he's unhappy with some of the decisions she's making even though it's hers to make.

"Dane, baby, that's not true. He thinks you're a bad influence on me."
Dane's hands that were moments ago around her lower back drops as he frowns.
"Is that what you think too? That I'm somehow making you ditch your work and responsibilities?"
"No! No, not at all," she rushes to console him, drawing him closer to her.
He softens but not all the way. Instead, his hands cup her shoulders as that perturbed expression remains.
"I don't think it's you at all. I think it's me," she admits, "maybe I'm not balancing everything as well as I thought I could."

She's clearly not doing a great job being in a relationship with him. Things are slipping with school and it's only a matter of time before she starts making mistakes at work. She expects him to say his usual words of encouragement but after a minute of silence that's not what he says.

"Are you saying you need a break from us?" he asks quietly.
Emery blinks at him in shock. God, no, that's not at all what she wants. She's slowly becoming used to him. Slowly getting accustomed to talking to him about her problems, even small things like this, and of course getting used to his affection. To suddenly cut that off sounds awful.
"No! No, nothing so dramatic," she replies, "I was just...venting. I'll move on from it but I just need to think about it for a while first. This is the first time this has ever happened to me, you know."

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