Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Weeks later, Emery's been claimed by her mom. The past few weekends even though she's spent some with Dane, they've mostly been studying. There's a few kisses and touches here and there but they've been honouring Dane's wish to keep it at second base still. It's been harder than Emery thought to go back a step when she's experienced the next one but she does concede that it's a good decision they've made. 

Discovering Dane's interests outside of just being 'the jock' is fun. He's a lot more intuitive and observant than she'd realised. Still despite all that, something about that day on her couch bothers her. Just what did prompt him to retreat like that? There's something he's not telling her and she's not sure if that feeling is a real instinct or a self-preservation tactic.

This Saturday at least Emery's going to focus on spending time with her mom and try not to talk too much about Dane. Her mom's probably sick to death already of them.

"It's nice of you to take the day off work mom," Emery says as they make their way out of the clothing store.
They each have a shopping bag in hand but they're both more window shoppers than anything. Extra money to spend on clothes they don't need was something they didn't have for so long, even now they treat it as a luxury.

Tory simply shrugs and loops her arm through Emery's.
"Well, I feel like we barely spend much time together now! And I know I'm running out. Soon you'll be in college and I'll only get the vacations with you."
Emery rolls her eyes at that with amusement. She's been hearing that since the start of her senior year. There's still the whole exam season to go, prom, graduation and summer. Her mom has plenty of time with her. Besides at most she'll be across the country. Not in a different world.
"That's if I get into college," she mutters.
"Sweetie, you work hard, you'll get in. And even if you don't, it's not the end of the world. There's plenty of other just as good options."
Em thanks her mom and agrees half-heartedly. Her mom's right of course. Not going to college shouldn't be the end of the world but Emery knows in her bones, it's the right choice for her. She wants to study English and she wants to have a career in journalism or something related. It's what she's good at. It's what she was meant to do.

Lost in her own thoughts, Emery doesn't realise when she's directed into the CVS store.
"Mom? What do we need from here?" she asks.
"Oh just need to pick up some things. I'll be right back," distractedly comments her mom before wandering off down one of the aisles.

Em isn't even annoyed anymore. When she was younger she'd get so frustrated by her mom doing this but now Em's accepted it. She's learnt if she just hovers around the cash registers eventually her mother will turn up. This CVS isn't too big or too busy so she's sure she won't have to wait for long.

As predicted it's long before Tory is getting rung up. The 2 items are bagged quickly, before Emery can see what she's got and they're out of the store.

"I could do with a break. Let's go grab coffee," comments Tory, directly her daughter to the Starbucks.
Emery makes a lunge for the new bag in her mother's hand just as they reach the store. Peering inside she notes the contents and is grateful she didn't just pull out the things in front of everyone. 

Her mom whilst with her just went and bought condoms and lube! That very thought of her mother, lube and condoms all in one sentence takes a good while for Emery to process as her brain keeps stuttering on it.
What the hell? Who is her mom boning?

"Something you want to tell me mom?" implies Emery handing back the bag, "or rather someone you want to tell me about?"
They move up in the queue first before Tory glances over to her wide eyed daughter.
"No of course not. Let's get our drinks first and then we'll discuss it."
Again they move up. Now almost at the till.
"So there is something to discuss?" counters Emery.

There is someone then! Maybe not serious which is perhaps why her mom's being all evasive about it but maybe a 'special friend'. Which again is so completely gross though she supposes her mom's not exactly past it and entitled to some fun. She'll be leaving soon after all. Oh God...they better not turn her bedroom into some sex playroom though!

"We'll talk about it in a minute. Now what do you want?"

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