Absence makes the heart grow empty

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Sometimes Junghwan wishes he has a complete family. He has a father, a hardworking father who he truly loves but, the boy can't help but gaze enviously at his friends who have both of their parents attending the teachers-parents conference.

"Junghwan is a bright boy, it's just that he doesn't talk much to his other friends a lot. Are daddy and mummy striking conversations with him often at home?"

He's only 8 years old and he still thinks his teacher is a little too nosy. Junghwan looks at his father's tightened jaws, trying to smile at the older woman who sits opposite them. "We are trying our best to make him open up to us and the people around him." The boy stares at his teacher, wondering what other nosy questions is she going to come up with. His tiny hands overlap his father's dry ones, giving him a little bit of strength.

Junghwan knows it's not easy to entertain questions about his partner. The boy doesn't get to properly learn about why is it only his father is present ever since he was little. The 27-years-old man always has his excuse to avoid his son's questions and Junghwan slowly gives up, understanding that his father is not going to answer it any time sooner.

They walk out hand-in-hand, smiling a little at his classmates' mothers who greet him; or his handsome father. Junghwan sits quietly in the passenger seat, waiting for his father to drive him home.

"You hungry, Hwan?" Junghwan turns to his father, seeing his lanyard that has his ID card on it. He doesn't understand what the older man does for a living but he likes the picture on the card. His father is the most handsome man in Junghwan's opinion.

Park Jihoon
Senior Manager

If anyone asked what is Jihoon's most treasured prize, he would reply Junghwan in an instant. The man shields the boy from all the danger in the outside world and would take a bullet for his precious son.


Junghwan looks up at his father, smiling at him. "Is daddy going back to work after this?" He questions instead of answering. Jihoon clasps his seatbelt and reverses his car before making his way out of the school's compound.

"No, daddy took an afternoon leave. You wanna go eat?" The boy then nods, feeling a little hungry. Jihoon glances at his son, smiling when he sees his little son swinging his feet front and back, looking out the window. It's not often Junghwan gets to sit in the car after school hours.

Morning has always been rushing, with Jihoon trying to chase the time and Junghwan collecting himself before making his way to get ready for school. The sky wasn't always this bright when he was on his way to school.

Junghwan leans back onto the seat, mesmerised by the bright sky, figuring out what shape the clouds form. He feels excited knowing that the cloud is following their car, secretly wishing Jihoon to speed up so that they couldn't get caught.

"Daddy, that cloud is chasing us! Go faster!" Jihoon laughs, stepping on the accelerator to please his son, switching lane so that it seems that they got further from the cloud. Junghwan shrieks happily turning to face his father, laughing when their eyes meet.

Usually, Junghwan doesn't mind when it's only the two of them, his daddy and him, but the restaurant that Jihoon picked for lunch made him small. The tables all around them had a complete number of family members; a dad, kids, and a mum.  Junghwan opens his mouth slowly when Jihoon offers him a bite of his pasta.

"Good?" Jihoon questions, noticing how his son suddenly got quieter. "Why are you not eating your pizza?" he places down his fork, looking at Junghwan who looks up with teary eyes. "I want papa," his lips quiver, and Jihoon immediately runs to his side, hugging the little boy who starts sobbing in his chest. "Hwan misses papa huh?" Jihoon kisses his son's head, hugging the boy tighter.

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