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Outside the school gate, Henry's long, lean body rests against his convertible BMW that's as black and sleek as the sunglasses he wears in the bright spring sun. The sight of him never fails to make my stomach clench disturbingly. I will myself to demonstrate restraint; Henry insists on this, so I reduce my speed and stroll towards him. He takes my bag and opens the passenger door.

In my seat I watch Henry as he eases himself behind the wheel.

"You're doing it Phoenix," he says disapprovingly.

"I'm not," I deny.

"I feel it."

"Really?" I ask.


"I'm a bit creepy, aren't I?"

"Or I'm exceedingly hot."

"I could rubber stamp that," I say teasing before asking. "Did my car pass the MOT?"

"In a manner of speaking."

Leaning back I close my eyes. No school. No bullies. Easter at last!

Indoors Henry immediately pushes my hair aside and kisses the back of my neck. I lean forward giving his mouth full access. His teeth gently nip my skin and I want it to hurt, to make the impression permanent. His hands grip my forearm and I revel in being held; it's the securest I've felt in seven years, yet I'm tumbling into the unknown. It's uncanny how he readsS my body because he pulls me tight against him, his heart, his erection. My head swims with pure, desperate lust. I turn, reach up and pull him to me. His mouth tastes of adventure. Isn't that what I'm on? Some wild voyage of discovery with a man who is the very definition of risky.

There's no rational thought once our skin touches, only a rushed response to free ourselves of clothes. On the floor: his jeans, my skirt, his boxers, my knickers. My bra? I think that landed in the shoe basket.

"Let's take this to the bedroom," he exhales heavily.

"I'd take it to a broom cupboard."

Henry sweeps me up in his arms, climbing the stairs. I'm shaky, like I'm on the verge of something life changing.

He lays me down and whips the quilt off the bed. This is full disclosure.


"What? We can slow it down."

"No! It's just the size of you in the size of me...I've broken into a sweat. Sorry, but I've only done it twice, three years ago. It was bloody painful, and I think virginity can grow back."

Smiling, Henry hands gently spread over my breasts and doubts dissolve as his tongue melts me. Henry presses me down onto the mattress. The weight of him feels so perfect I don't care about pain. He moves down my body; kissing my stomach, my hips, my thighs before coming back to my mouth while his hand disappears between my legs. Biting into his shoulder, I am unable to stop myself from orgasming.

"Henry, I'm so sorry, it was irrepressible."

"It's better this way. It'll be less uncomfortable. We don't have to get it perfect, we can have a thousand hot sessions, right?"

I want to tell him to shut up, but he's so sweet and I'm sure sweetness is as new to him as sex is to me. So, I kiss the tip of his nose and then his mouth...and I feel a charge between us...not our earlier ramped up groping and urgency, but a slow, heated, needy desire. His breath is steady and deep as it gently dampens my skin. He strokes my breast, down my ribcage and I feel a tremor in my kiss when he finds me.

The Rebirth of Henry WhittleWhere stories live. Discover now