Chapter - 60

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Hello my dear readers.

Hope you all are fine.

Here is the next chapter. Hope you all would like it.

Please let me know what you think through your comments.

Thank you



Mayura and Adhiraj are still sitting near the pond enjoying the silence between them.

At the same time Adhiraj got a call so excused himself and went little far to attend the call.

And Mayura sat there admiring Adhiraj. She didn't even realised that she is literally checking him out.

" Why is he so handsome?? He is loving and caring too... And why am I getting attracted to him?? I didn't even know him yet I feel like I know him since ages... I feel like he is someone so close to me... " Mayura thought with a smile

" Am I falling for him or did I already.... " Mayura realised what she was thinking

She widened her eyes and gasped realising what all going on in her mind..

" No.... No... How can I... I love him?? He is my boss " Mayura thought

" You are again lost in your thoughts?? " Adhiraj said

Mayura jumped at her place and looked at Adhiraj.

" What happened?? " Adhiraj asked looking at Mayura who is sweating now

" Noth.. nothing... Iam... Iam fine" Mayura couldn't even talk properly now

" No... You are not... Look at you. Why are you sweating like this " Adhiraj wiped away the sweat from Mayura's forehead and held her hands.

" You are so cold... What happened Mayura?? " Adhiraj asked getting worried

" Iam fine... " Mayura again said

" Did you took your medicine?? " Adhiraj asked

Mayura nodded as yes.

" Ok. First of all let's go from here... " Adhiraj helped Mayura to get up

Adhiraj took Mayura with him in his car and messaged Gaurav about the same.


" How are you feeling now?? " Adhiraj asked Mayura after few minutes

" Iam fine... " Mayura uttered

" What happened to you all of a sudden?? " Adhiraj asked

" Nothing... " She said looking at her hands

Adhiraj too didn't understand what happened all of a sudden... Even her medical reports are good now... But why she is looking so weak and tensed.

As soon as they reached the palace Mayura ran to her room without looking at Adhiraj.

" Mayura... " Adhiraj called her but she didn't stopped.


Mayura came to her room and sat on the bed with a thud.

She doesn't know what's all happening around her. She never felt the way she is feeling fir Adhiraj now.

" But how could I... " Mayura thought

Mayura stood infront of the mirror for a self talk

" It's ok... Calm down Mayu... Calm down. Take a deep breath " Mayura said to herself and took a deep breath.

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