Chapter - 3

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Hello guys.... Here is the next update hope you all would like it.

Please let me know what you think... Please...please do comment and vote... That would really help me to write further.

Thank you



Monday morning :

       Mayura woke up from her sleep abruptly and she was totally covered in sweat...

She clutched her head " not again.... " She sighed

She looked outside the window of her room... It's early in the morning and there is no way she would sleep again... She got up from the bed and went to get ready for the day...

Mayura got ready and prepared breakfast for every one and went to Rajesh's flat to give them their breakfast..

She knocked their flat door but there was no response... She slightly pushed the door and as usual it was open

" Argh... They would never change... " Mayura thought and entered

Mayura was shocked looking at the condition of the flat... There were clothes here and there... pizza,coke bottles and some beer bottles too And it looks like the flat was not cleaned from days...

She sighed looking at the room... She saw Varun was sleeping on the couch.

She went towards him and shook him but he didn't even moved

" Varun... Get up... " Mayura yelled but there was no response

Mayura shook her head and placed the breakfast on the table and came back with a glass of water and throwed the glass of water on Varun's face

" Ahhhhhaaaa..... " He jerked away from his sleep

Mayura laughed looking at him

" God Mayu... Have you lost it... " Varun yelled

" Shut up... Don't shout... And what's this?? " She asked pointing towards the hall

" Ohh this.. actually the maid was on leave and we forgot to clean... " Varun said sheepishly

" Seriously?? She was on leave just for 2 days and the house looks like this.... I don't know how it will be if she is on leave for one week... By the way go and wake up others " saying this she picked up their clothes

" Arey don't do this... " Varun opposed

" It's okk.. and by the way if Revathi aunty sees the condition of this flat... Iam sure she will run away...I will just keep this clothes inside...and by that time she will be here... " Mayura said

Varun nodded as ok and left to wake up others...

Mayura picked up the clothes and kept them aside and at the same time Revathi aunty who is maid came there and was shocked looking at the condition of the flat

" Oh my god what's this?? " Revathi Aunty shouted

Mayura laughed looking at her face

" Thank me aunty.... It was worst when I came here" Mayura smiled

" Mayura beta... Iam saying I will stop working here... These three are worst than kids... " Aunty made a crying face

" You won't do that aunty... Because we know you love us alot... " Kunal came there and side hugged her

Revathi aunty jerked him away and made an angry face

" Sorry... We will be careful next time... " Kunal made a cute face

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