Welcome to the Amasango

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You watch as the Character Creation Room fills with a dark cloud. As the smoke dissipates, you are surrounded by a galaxy of stars. Your feet rest on a floating platform, disc-shaped and appearing too thin to hold you - assuming the laws of physics you know apply here.

A man waits before you, a full seven feet or taller, hovering in place on brilliant white wings. His clothes are timeless, a rough white-grey cloth and leather belt that might fit into any time period - past, present or future. He appears both ancient and young, his expression solemn yet friendly.

"Welcome, Player, to the worlds of the Amasango. I am Questior, here to guide as you learn to play this game."

"The Amasango is a sandbox adventure providing experiences in your favorite game genre, or allowing you to switch worlds and explore new genres at will. The worlds are divided into twelve city-nations across three continents. They can be accessed through one of five timelines, with the additional themes of Alternate History, Advanced Technology, or Advanced Meta-physics - what some would call Magic.

Questior opens his hands, and a metal sphere appears, hovering in the space between his palms. The sphere appears to move and stand still all at once, a constant display of shifting panels and tiny lights orbiting the sphere like the electrons of an atom.

"Take this QUE box to aid in your adventures. The Quantum Unit Exchange "box" works like a backpack, allowing you to carry a limited number of items on your journey, regardless of their size or weight. Your QUE box cannot be accessed by anyone else and it cannot be stolen. The items stored inside can be retrieved when you want or need them, but some items are restricted by the time or place that you acquitted them. For example, storing a self-cleaning automated juice machine in your QUE box in a future world does not mean that you will be able to remove it for use in a world of the past. The Quantum Unit Exchange protocols strictly enforce the import and export of trade goods between worlds. Items that cannot be used or sold in one world are kept safe until you return to whatever world(s) permit their use."

"Speaking of exchange, money in the Amasango is also measured in Quantum Units. QU is a common unit of payment used to sell or purchase the different items you discover, harvest or collect in-game. Gold, coins, precious stones, sea shells, mangos... the QUE exchange protocols always ensure that you receive a fair market value for whatever items you wish to trade.

Your towering guide gestures ahead of you. The image flickers, like a graphics glitch cause by memory errors or internet lag. The image clears and your guide's pose abruptly changes, his arms now crossed instead of beckoning forward.

"Apologies, Player. It appears that this game is still in Beta testing, and only some of the worlds are open to you. Additional features will be made available with future updates. We appreciate your joining us to test our new product, and we look forward to receiving feedback regarding your experiences in the game. "

"Until then," the Guide's cheerful expression returned, "Your adventure starts in the city of Echo. The timeline is currently locked in a Medieval-Renaissance cultural period. You begin with 100 gold coins to start, your QUE box and a set of standard Adventurer's gear. Which game style would you like to try first?


Dear Player... please list the action you prefer to explore in the Story comments.

Visit Otrore - fictional nations and events inspired by Earth's Medieval-Renaissance historic period.

Visit Dunia - fictional nations using Advanced Technology, similar to the Steampunk genre

Visit Llithenerth - fictional nations using Advanced Meta-physics (magic), similar to medieval-inspired fantasy.

Creative "write-in" alternatives may also be considered, and may rank higher than popular opinion depending on their originality and relevance to the story.

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