Chapter One

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We just landed in London with the private plane. All of the actors for season three were there. We didn't really have time to speak, because all of us were busy with our families and constant calls. There were many young kids aboard the plane alongside with teenagers from all over the world. I never thought it would be so many, just a few, but it isn't a small series.

I scrolled through my phone. Instagram were filled with the reveals of the new actors. I couldn't accept the fact that I would become a celebrity once the season three would be released. I glanced up at all the passengers, my eyes falling on a certain boy. I recognized him by his nameplate on his shirt;

Robbie Kay

He didn't seem to notice me looking so I thought that I'd look away before he did notice. He seemed like the guy who people like a bit too much. Wasn't he going to be playing as Peter Pan? The villain in season three? I shrugged the thought away, returning to my phone. I went through my posts of Instagram, when I first sent the request to be the actor. I were so nervous and the week of waiting turned out to be painful, worrying and stressful, until yesterday, when it was confirmed.

I couldn't believe still that I were on a plane landing in London. I grabbed my suitcase from under my chair and went up. Mum and Dad followed me out as we were guided to another part of the airport. We all were now gathered around waiting for our taxi.

"Before we go there as strangers, perhaps we shall all introduce ourselves and what roles we'll have?" My Dad spoke up next to me.

I glared up at him before putting down my phone in my pocket. I sighed, guessing that I were the one to start off.

"He got a point," I nonchalantly said. "However my name is Y/N and I will be playing as Y/N too."

"That's quite the coincidence." The comment came from the guy who were Robbie. "I'm Robbie Kay and I'll play as Peter Pan."

Slowly everyone started to introduce themselves and we got to know a little bit about each other. It was easier to speak now and nobody seemed to be shy, expect for the youngsters. As we went to our taxi we all spoke with jokes around the air. Dad seemed proud that he broke the shield of awkwardness and the adults also spoke with each other within time.

"How long have you been wanting to be an actor, Y/N?" Robbie looked at me.

"Oh, well since I saw the first 'A Cinderella story' movie," I said. "Quite some years ago now, but I thought it was fun to pretend to be someone else that I weren't."

Robbie looked at me and nodded. He smiled a cute smile. It caused me butterflies in my stomach and I didn't quite understand why. There just was something special about this boy that I couldn't pinpoint what.

"Well, it seems like we'll be a acting as a couple," he added. "Does that affect you?"

"No ... I don't think so, but my dad won't like it," I replied after some seconds of thinking.

I had the overprotective kind of dad, who would hurt anyone if they hurt me. And I was grateful.

"Good to know," Robbie chuckled, with a slight smile.

I laughed back at him. It felt good to have a little closer friend already now. Then, suddenly, the taxi stopped and we arrived at the place whereas we'll have our hotel until tomorrow, when we'll travel to the place where we'll record. A bunch of butterflies went through my stomach as we entered. The reception looked at us with a smile on her face.

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