Chapter Three

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Hey again my soul mates!

I definitely haven't been looking for fanfics to inspire myself with, no, no... most of them have been a little bit too cruel and some— let's say a little bit too rushed. I do not dislike any of them, I just want a proper written and aged for any kind of age fan fiction, whereas warning for triggers appears, in case that will happen.

Anyhow; let's get going with this chapter, don't you think so too, love?


I stubbornly got out of bed, even though my body practically wanted to jump back into it and cuddle the blankets over and over again. I went to the bathroom of the hotel room and grabbed the hairbrush, recalling the events from yesterday. The dinner that have been so amazing to not forget and how Freya and Andrew became so incredibly close that I felt a ship appearing. Not to mention the kiss.

I didn't know what to feel about it. It was a kiss, what more? I believed that it you'd rush your feelings, it wouldn't end up very well. I've read these stories all over the platform and I never really found the key why rushing feelings should be good.

"You're done in there?" asked Robbie's voice from outside the bathroom's door. "Oh, and, please return my hoodie back."

I stopped brushing my hair and looked down on the cloth I were wearing. It was Robbie's hoodie still. I giggled and went out the bathroom's door.

"Hey, I see why you like so much," I commented. "It's really comfy."

"It is, isn't it?" Robbie smiled, seeming happy that I liked his hoodie.

"Can I keep on a little bit longer, pleaseee?" I gave him my usual puppy eyes.


We had just arrived at the studio, where we'll be recording the first episode of the series. We just got our lines that we will start practice for a few hours.

I looked at the boys who I hadn't spoke so much with. It was a taller southern boy, named Parker and some other boys that came along. They were random lost boys for the series meaning. Parker and Robbie seemed to get along rather quickly, and I didn't want to disturb them either.


I couldn't keep myself from mentioning Y/N as my closest friend once Parker asked about it. It have only been one day and our bond have increased really well, I'd say. But that might also only be my opinion.

"Soo, you'll be dating in the show?" Parker asked again, as if I hadn't answered that.

"Yeah," I nodded. "To be honest, I'm happy that she got the role, really."

Parker looked at me with a smug smirk on his face. He certainly got the wrong thought because of what I said. I smiled a little bit and glanced back at Y/N who stood by the audio, studying her lines.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" I looked at Parker then at Y/N.

"For you," Parker snickered. "For me she's just like any other girl."

"That's good for you," I mentioned. "Y'know, see you later."

I left Parker to be by himself a little. I needed to talk with Y/N because I couldn't be without her for any second, without practically missing her. She means too much to me and I can't risk loosing her.

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