You go to Chris

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It was late when you got to his house. You knocked on the door and Elsa opened it, "hello Charlotte, what are you doing here?" "Where is Chris, I need to speak with him?" "Elsa who's at the door at this hour?" Chris was walking sleepily to the door, "why hello Charlotte what brings you here?" You hugged him, "Chris I left Tom." "What did he do this time?" He was looking at you in the eyes. "He's been with another women.  Can I please stay here, I don't know where else to go." Elsa was looking at her husband, "of course you can stay with us Charlotte." He grabbed your bags and put them in the guest room, Elsa was rubbing your back and saying things to comfort you. After you got settled in your room Chris was walking upstairs with his wife, "I cant believe that Tom would leave her with another women. He's to polite to do that." "Not everyone is a happy couple like us Chris, Tom has his reasons now we just have to make sure that she is ok."

Both of their kids love when you came to visit them, so in the morning when they saw you they happily shouted "Auntie!" and ran over to you to give you a hug. "Where is Uncle Tom?" One of them asked, Charlotte looked sadly at Chris when he said that he wasn't coming. They both loved her pregnant belly and couldn't wait for a friend to play with them. "Do you know if it's going to be a girl or a boy?" India asked while sitting on the couch, "I don't know sweetie, I will know soon." 

Elsa took you to the doctors, to find out what gender you are going to have. "Well it looks like you will be having a little girl." The doctor told you You were happy because thats what you wanted, you smiled at Elsa. "Is She ok?"Elsa asked the doctor, "yes both of them are fine and will be fine as well when she is born." After the doctors she texted Chris that you were going to have a girl. "You are just like me, having a girl first." You were silently crying outside the hospital, "What's wrong dear?" as Elsa put a arm around you, "It's just that Tom won't know about her and me again. I miss him." "I know, you were so perfect together and he will know about her in the future trust me Chris will find him and tell him, Evan if he has to fly down to London and get him." You laughed at her. 

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