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Y/N, Ruby, and Yang all stood looking at Beacon. They were all amazed by it.

Ruby looked around, and pointed at the weapons as a floating Chibi

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Ruby looked around, and pointed at the weapons as a floating Chibi.


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Ruby then floated away, and Yang pulled her back by her hood, and she looked normal. Y/N looked at her curiously.

"Okay, how did that work?" he asked.

"Relax sis," said Yang, "They're just weapons."

Ruby scoffs, "Just weapons?! They're an extension of ourselves! They're so cool! Oh, I love them!"

"Why don't you just whoo over your own weapon?" asked Y/N.

Ruby pulled out her scythe, and said, "Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose, I just like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people, only better."

Y/N then gave Ruby a noogie, and said, "Ruby, never change."

"Ruby, come on," said Yang, "Why not make some friends of your own?"

"Why would I do that when I have you and Y/N?" asked Ruby.

"Actually, my friends are here. Gotta go. See ya!"

Yang then took off, leaving a dizzy Ruby Rose.

"Wait! Where are you going!?! Don't we have dorm rooms? Don't we need to get to them? I don't know what I'm doing!"

Ruby then tripped, and fell on someone's luggage.

"What do you think you're doing!?"

"Oh, sorry."


Y/N took one look at the new girl, and was instantly disgusted.

"BACK OFF SCHNEE!!" he snapped, "That's my sister you're talking to!!!"

"Don't speak to me like that!! Do you know who I am!?"

"A skanky cunt who's a bitch to top it off?" asked Y/N sarcastically.

Weiss was about to say something, when someone said, "It's heiress, actually."

Everyone looked to see a girl in black with a bow coming up.

"You're Weiss Schnee, heiress to the largest dust company in the world."

"Finally, some resignation!"

"The same company that has some 'questionable' taste in business," said Ruby.

Weiss was about to retort, but Ruby's eyes glowed, and it practically bore into Weiss' soul.

Weiss then took off, and Y/N just smashed all the dust.

"I hate her."

"I do too," said Ruby.

"Why do you hate them so much?" asked the girl in black.

"They abused me, and all that was left, was this!" said Y/N, opening his chest cavity.

The girl looked at the organs, and was shocked to see them.

"I-I'm so sorry that they did that to you," said the girl.

"Hey," a new voice called out. It was the blond kid who threw up earlier, "What's up?"

"We were just heading to the main hall to see the headmaster."

"I'm Ruby, and this is Y/N. What's your name?"

"Blake. Blake Belladonna."

"Jaune, Jaune Arc," said the blond boy now known as Jaune.

The four walked around campus talking together. "I'm sorry," said Ruby, "but 'Vomit Boy' was the first thing that came to mind."

"Really, well how would you feel if I called you 'Crater Face'?" Y/N snickered as Blake rolled her eyes. After that, there was an awkward silence. Ruby broke the silence after saying, "So, I got this thing." and she got her weapon out.

"WOAH!" cried Jaune, "Is that a scythe?"

"Yep, it's also a customizable, high impact sniper rifle."

"Huh?" asked Jaune.

"It's also a gun."


"So, what toys do you have Jaune?" asked Y/N.

"Oh, I've got this," Jaune said as he pulled out a sword, "and this." He then took his sheath and it expanded into a shield.

"Nice, kind of like my lightsabers," said Y/N, as he unsheathed his blades.

"Wow, I haven't seen one of those in years," said Blake.

"Well, it's nice. Not many people have respect for the classics. I'm a bit of dork when it comes to weapons. I guess I went a little overboard when designing her."

"Wait," said Jaune, "You built that?"

"Yeah," replied Ruby, "all students at Signal forge their own weapons." 

"She might be a bit weird at first, but she's very friendly once you get to know her."

The four then headed off to the main hall, and met up Yang.

"So," asked Yang, "how is your day going so far?"

"You mean after you ditched me and I exploded?" asked Ruby.

"Yikes, melt down already?"

"No," said Y/N, "She literally exploded. After she bumped into Weiss Schnee."

"Weiss, SCHNEE!?!" asked Yang, with red eyes, "WHERE IS THAT BITCH!?! I'LL KILL HER!!!"

"YOU!!" yelled Weiss, she stomped over, but Y/N grabbed her by the throat, and squeezed.

"You just leave us alone, unless you have a death wish, got it?!"

Weiss looked at the others, and they just glared daggers at her.

Y/N dropped her, and she coughed, catching her breath.

Whatever Weiss was gonna say after that, he couldn't since Ozpin made an announcement. 

"Ahem," he said clearing his throat, "I'll make this brief, you all have traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But when I look amongst you, I see wasted energy. In need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this but your time here at this school will prove knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you, to take the first step."

Glynda Goodwitch then said, "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Your initiation begins tomorrow."

"He seemed kind of off," said Yang.

"Almost like he wasn't even there," said Ruby.

"I know, right," said Y/N.

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