vent ig-

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I don't know why traumatic memories keep coming back but here's a traumatic memory that my dad did to me :]

So I was about...6-7??

And I came home from my granny's it was night time I think-??

And we had the blinds open on the window right??

He was doing the blinds closing them and I was trying to help him..I was just trying to be nice and help my dad

And I broke the blinds..

He went off on me it scared me so badly that I ran beside the chair my mom was sitting in and latched onto here because I thought he was about to hit me.. my mom was comforting me she had her hand on top of my head because I was on my knees because I was that scared and my dad was acting like it was the end of the world he said and I QUOTE: "NOW WE ARE GONNA HAVE TO SELL ALL YOUR STUFF TOO BUY NEW BLINFS" first of all.. BLINDS ARENT THAT HIGH- SECOND OF ALL I WAS TRYING TO HELP HIS ASS

my mom said "Paul! "She" was trying to help!" My dad shut up but he still acted mad at me..

All I have to say is bless my mom..she comforted me but I literally was just trying to help him like I have never been that afraid of him that I ran over to my mom

So yeah..

But that was nothing new he used to shout at me all the time :]

This is an old memory I'm okay he still yells at me but not as much

But yeah 👍

Wattpad I'm fine don't take this down

Yes my dad's name is Paul

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