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{Harry's POV}

When we got back to the hotel it was around 8 because we all decided to go for dinner then everyone went to different places. Haley and Liam went to the aquarium. Mandy and Niall went out to the club. Louis and Izzie went bowling. Zayn and Avery went to see a movie. While I stayed back at the hotel watching the telly in my room.

I'm knackered from today. Partly because of the running and since we got in so early this morning, but mostly because of Natalie. I didn't even talk to her, but she won't leave my mind. Her curly hair, blue-green eyes, her smile when she skates. She's... I don't even know the words to describe her, because I haven't even met her yet.

I let out a groan of frustration and slammed my head against my pillow. I have to get her out of my head. Maybe sleep will help.

I stripped off all my clothes, yes including my boxers. I like being naked, it's liberating. God made us naked, so why not live like that?

After about 30 minutes of flipping over and over in bed sleep wouldn't come to me. Usually when I can't sleep I listen to music. So I took out my mobile and pressed shuffle. I slowly shut my eyes as Yesterday by The Beatles played.

Natalie skating flowed through my mind. Every move she would do perfectly went throughout my mind, until she fell. I squeezed my eyes tighter to try and make it go away, but it wouldn't leave my mind. Seeing her fall, rolling across the ice, hitting her back and knees and arms looked so painful. As she pushed herself up and skated over to the she looked like she was in an immense amount of pain. When she reached the benches and took off her skates her feet were covered in bruises. Those skates are to beat up to skate in. They looked so flimsy and not supportive enough for her to do the tricks she does.

I replayed the song about five more times imagining her skating, and each time she fell I'd squeeze my eyes shut. She looked like she was in incredible pain, and it hurt to see her like that. I might not know her, or even met her but I really want to.

After the tenth time of listening to the song I finally came up with an idea to help Natalie. I shot out of bed and pulled my clothes back on. As I ran out of my room I pulled my converse back while jumping on one foot to get one shoe on at a time. I grabbed my wallet, room key, and keys to the car that the boys left me.

When I reached the car I slid into the drivers seat and put the keys in the ignition. As the car heated up I pulled up google on my mobile. I typed in "Figure Skating stores in Naple Maine". Haha, that sounds like nipples. Grow up Harold! Oh great, I'm arguing with myself in my brain.

A few options came up and I finally decided on the best one. I pulled up maps on my mobile then typed in the address. As I drove off I thought of how happy Natalie will be when I give them to her. But how am I going to? I can't just go up to her and say "Oh hi I'm green eyes. I followed you to the ice rink and watched you skate. I even saw you fall so I bought you new skates." That would just be creepy and she'd probably never want to talk to me.

Once I pulled up to the Skate shop I parked outside and saw they're still open. When I walked in I noticed this isn't a place where I'd fit in. But I'm here for Natalie, and I'm going get her those skates no matter what.

~The Next Day~

~Tuesday 3 pm~

{Natalie's POV}

School was absolutely pitiful, I couldn't focus because I knew they left at noon. By they I mean my parents. They're both oceanographers so they have to travel for their work. They've been traveling oceanographers since I was in 8th grade, that's why we moved to Maine. We've never stayed in the same place for longer then a year, except for Maine, then they got sent to abroad every few months.

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