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The tarmac was ablaze by the time she and Clint reached it. Both planes and helicopters lay wasted, burning. Wanda was glad she'd come now, seeing Tony Stark floating above her, condescending her, only made her realise how angry she was. 'Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings,' Tony patronised, holding an outstretched palm in her direction.

         'You locked me in my room,' she hissed, 'you invited me into the Avengers promising a home... Instead, you made it my prison.'

         'Okay. First, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you,' Tony argued. Wanda gritted her teeth, letting out a small growl of indignation. She changed her stance, the power she'd been granted a year earlier enveloping her hands. Wanda Maximoff wanted to unleash it, she wanted to prove to her captor that she had control over it, that she owned it instead of it owning her.

         The fighting around her had stopped though, even Stark noticed it. Everybody's eyes focused on what was happening above the terminal. The kid Tony had recruited was no longer antagonising Steve. Clint and Natasha had finally given up pretending to fight. Sam and Vision both landed on the ground, curious as to what was going on. Rhodes had stopped fighting Scott, just as the former grew to his normal size. James Barnes discarded of King T'Challa, throwing him to the side. The king of Wakanda had gotten back up, ready to fight once more but ceased to move when he saw what was coming.

A young man was approaching, hovering through the air, his hands clouded in red. His jaw tensing as he breathed through his teeth, his eyes glowing crimson. Suddenly the man dropped, the asphalt quaking, cracking as red veins ran through it haphazardly. Wanda watched him intently. A malnourished twenty-something dressed in blood-stained clothes three sizes too big for him. Something about his presence lit a fire in Wanda's heart.

'Forget about the others!' she heard Tony speak desperately into his comm, 'get the kid, he looks harmless, but...'

Wanda directed her energy at the multi-story carpark behind Tony, pulling cars from their bays and directing them at him, ultimately crushing him beneath them.


Steve caught his friend's love-struck grin from the corner of his eye, but he wasn't so excited to see Dr (L/N). He'd seen what (Y/N) was capable of during the war, he didn't want his friends dying. He didn't want them facing the same demise those HYDRA soldiers had. They didn't deserve that. '(Y/N),' he shouted at the man who'd just single-handedly thrown an airbus at James Rhodes. He and Wanda were wreaking havoc. Tony was pulling himself out from a pile of crushed cars, Rhodes was trying his hardest to remove his legs from the airplane that trapped his legs. Even the kid he had just squabbled with was knocked out on the side of the runway.

         'Steve!' Bucky shouted over the noise, 'Steve, come on! He's giving us the distraction we need!'

         'We can't let him kill them,' Steve shook his head, gripping the straps of his shield tightly.

         'He'll burn out Steve, and then he'll follow,' Bucky persuaded him, 'I know he will. He always does.'

          'You two get to the Quinjet,' Sam spoke over the comms, 'we'll handle it!' Reluctantly, Steve agreed to follow Bucky.

         'We got this, Cap!' Scott Lang inputted excitedly.

         'Clint? Wanda?' Steve asked, he didn't want to leave anybody behind who wasn't comfortable.

         'Lost connection with Wanda,' Clint said, 'she seems to have made a new friend, get yourselves gone, the rest of us will handle it.'

Bucky and Steve had almost made it to the hanger, they were only a few hundred yards away from the entrance when a blast from vision collapsed the look-out tower beside it.

The Red Soldier: Rise of the Red SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now