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Here comes the Sun, doo-doo-doo-doo

Here comes the Sun and I say

It's all right.

Bucky stood staring at his reflection in the mirror, the radio playing in the background. There was a lightness in his chest, that he hadn't experienced in such a long time. His mind felt fresh. The doctors had kept him in the hospital overnight to monitor him. Now he was getting dressed behind the curtain, feeling quite put together in the plain pastel blue shirt and khaki trousers someone had kindly donated to him. He pulled back a messy section of his hair, tying it up behind his head haphazardly.

         T'Challa had delivered the news to him himself. (Y/N) was on his way back to Wakanda. A plane had been sent to pick him up and bring him. Words couldn't describe his excitement, or his gratefulness. He felt refreshed, reborn. No more was his mind split into two opposing sides constantly battling each other.

         Soon he'd have (Y/N) (L/N) back, and they could finally find their peace.

Little darling

It's been a long cold lonely winter

Little darling

It feels like years since it's been here.

As he stepped outside the hospital he was assaulted by the sun's warmth. Bucky basked in its heat, taking a deep breath to let the fresh air clean his lungs. Shuri approached him, looking rather proud of herself. 'Good morning, Sergeant Barnes,' she greeted, 'how are you feeling?'

         'Bucky,' James Barnes told her, 'And I feel good.' That was an understatement. He couldn't remember ever feeling so happy, or healthy. 'Thank you.'

         Shuri beamed up at him, 'I believe Dr (L/N) will be arriving soon. I took the liberty of refuelling your motorbike.' She dropped the key into his hands, 'we still have a lot of work to do, but I think you deserve a break.' Bucky nodded, thanking her once more before making his way over to his bike.

Here comes the Sun, doo-doo-doo-doo

Here comes the Sun and I say

It's all right.

He mounted the motorcycle, sticking his keys in the ignition and starting the engine. Sergeant James Barnes watched the road ahead of him, stealing glimpses at the people and buildings he passed by, looking delighted. People were walking around, going about their day as usual, something Bucky Barnes found inspiring. Now that his head was clear, he could begin imagining a future for himself. One where he could be of some sort of assistance, instead of a burden.

         That was the reason he'd joined the army in the first place. He wanted to help, serve, and protect. Deep down he knew he could never make up for all the atrocious crimes he'd committed, all the lives he'd destroyed, but he promised himself never to stop trying.

Little darling

The smiles returning to the faces

Little darling

It seems like years since it's been here.

Pulling up outside a small shop, Bucky felt a little windswept. He shook his head in an attempt to tame his disorganised brown locks before dismounting his bike and entering the general goods store. The air-conditioning inside was welcoming. It seemed to clean his face of any perspiration, ridding his hair of any sweat.

         He wandered down the wine aisle idly, brushing his fingers against the labels in search of one that may be translated into English. Eventually he just picked up three of the bottles with the highest alcohol percentage since that tended to be where (Y/N) (L/N)'s tastes lay.

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