𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒

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Draco's Pov:
"Right I was to busy trying to be sorry that I forgot about hating you" I say, she rolls her eyes pricking herself with a throne from the rose bush, "why are you even here?" She asks, "I have no idea but I'd do anything to leave and get away from you. God knows what have done and the shit you've been into." I snap at her, she looks at me with a face that is ready to kill.

"Malfoy shut your fucking mouth don't you make me sound like the whore, last time I checked your the one who sleeps with every fucking girl in the school." She says, her snarky comments really shown that she has grown in the last year. "Oh right my apologies I forgot your still a virgin." I say, i see that what I said did something to her because next think I know she was gone.

Oh no..

I walk back inside and go to the living room still livid from her calling me a whore. "What did you say to
Y/n" my father snaps, i look at him, "nothing." I say, "Draco Lucius Malfoy you tell me what you said to her right now" my father says, next thing I know my mother has me by the arm taking me outside.

"Draco look at me" my mother says, i look at her and guilt fills my eyes, "honey there's a lot you don't know about Y/n and there's a lot that she don't know about you. I know you and her have the hate and hate relationship but there's some things you shouldn't say. Now please darling tell me what was said." My mother says, she's always had a way with words especially when it comes to me.

I look at her and sigh, "she was showing me around and I said woah and she said no please don't say that, when I asked why all she said was.. why would you care you practically hate me. I told her that I was busy trying to be sorry that k forgot about hating her. She asked why I was there and I told her that I didn't know and I'd do anything to get away from her, god onky knowing she shit she's done and the shit she's been into. She told me to shut my mouth and not to make her sounding like the whore when she wasn't the one sleeping with the whole school and I told her my apologies I forgot she was still a virgin." I say.

When I was done telling my mother I was out of breath from all the explaining that I had done, "Draco Honey.." she says, i look down. "Can we go back in please" i ask, she takes my hand and we go back in.

I sit down and I can feel my father stare at me, i hear Astoria run down the stairs. "MOM DAD HURRY!" They both jump up along with me and my parents, we all run into Y/n's rokm where there is a huge snake on her floor.

"Y/n honey back away" her mother says, she doesn't move.

Y/n's Pov:
"Hello Y/n" the snake said, i stood there in shock not knowing what to do, "you can talk?" I say, the snake nods it's head. I can feel other people around me and my mother telling me to back away from the snake but I don't listen.

"Can I get closer?" I ask, the snake nods, "touch if you would like." The snake says, the snake then lets me get down sitting in the floor next to it and it slithers into my lap scaring my sister so bad she runs out of my room. God I love seeing her scared.

"I know that blonde boy." The snake says, i turn to look at draco then back at the snake, "Draco Malfoy. Yess I see something between you two" the snake says, i look very confused. "What do you see?" I ask, the snake stays silent for a minute. "Unfortunately im not allowed to tell you that, you'll have to wait for the right time to come and then you'll see what im talking about." The snake says.

A few moments later the snake slithers out of my sondeos then it's not, i get up brushing myself off and walking past the people gathered in my room, i go outside and i go to the trampoline and lie there.

Just thinking about anything and everything.

Draco's Pov:

"Don't you think it was weird how Y/n just sat with the snake?" I ask, Y/n's mother turns around to me. "Yes it was." She says, "it's like she was speaking parseltongue" I say, my father turns around and snaps, "Draco Malfoy! You do not assume things like that".

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